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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. My eyes! I wear bifocals, which make it difficult. Then, when dare I say, I try to dabble into the dark side, I just can't see good enough to get focused just right. What I see isn't always what I get in the image.
  2. That is an excellent widefield of the great hunter. I have seen Orion since Scorpio chased him away!
  3. Excellent! I got lucky the first time I saw the heads up a couple years back! Since then timing and sleeping for work hasn't let them work out!
  4. My Canon did the same when I did prime focus. Still worked in manual mode.
  5. My Canon SL1 is showing signs of old age. So I picked this up at work yesterday. It was one of those "I don't know why we have it!!??" They stock T100, but not the Rebel T7. I couldn't convince them to let me pay the incorrect price it was listed as, but I did get my 10% off being an employee. The computer is a Xmas present daughter #1 gave me for the observatory.
  6. It's still just twilight, Jupiter and Venus very bright, Mars just visible with our friend just below the horizon. I checked my new thermometer. Outside air is about 69 or 70F. The temperature in my observatory maxed out yesterday at 118°F.
  7. I might have found a way to fully retire. I'm going to start offering, Maw Lod Qan's Klingon purification ritual, in the only purification chamber on this planet. This was at 2:30 this afternoon. At least the humidity wasn't too bad!
  8. I viewed M4 this morning. Seeing was not the best but I could make out a little detail of the stars. I was using a 8" reflector, 3x Barlow and 23mm eyepiece. In the finder scope it was only a good fuzzy.
  9. A question for those using a DSLR. How long of a cable do you run from your camera to the computer and what's the longest you might get by with till you get a signal strength issue?
  10. 30? Really, 30!! A bottle of really good whiskey and celebrate being just 30! Worry about the astronomy stuff tomorrow! The sky isn't going away!
  11. Nice images! I'm amazed that you are doing astronomy on your break. I get an hour for lunch at 9am and normally take a quick power nap!🙄
  12. Very nice. Mercury is a tough planet!
  13. I think I like the second the most. Either way, the image you captured is outstanding! When it comes to different tints and shades, I consider myself color dumb. My wife doesn't let me choose paint.
  14. My dad always said he had a monkey on his back. Maybe you have a cloud over your head!
  15. Patience! I haven't for some time now, but I was setting out my Canon with its 18mm lens for meteors. I would use a hard warmer to keep the dew at bay! Even powered it with AC so I wouldn't have to change batteries. I'd sit there at the computer watching one image after another with nothing. Then when a good meteor appears, it's all worth the time and trouble.
  16. Very nice! And yes, impressing the wife is a big plus! Well done on both parts!👍
  17. But if we are just fantasizing, they could be seeing you and our galaxy with just their mind! Never underestimate the power of the force! I forgot to add, nice image!👍
  18. Amazing! I wonder how it was possible for the rover to be in the perfect spot to catch this? But I'm so jealous! At least Perseverance didn't have to fight traffic after the eclipse like I did in 2017 leaving South Carolina!
  19. Ran 2" conduit under the floor today from the table area to the pier. No more cables to step on now. Still lacking the cable to go from my Canon to the computer 6' or 8' away. The one I have is short.
  20. Still some odds and ends, but I'm much closer. This past week I insulated it, it will take 1 more roll. Also got electricity in it for thr refurbished computer my #1 daughter gave me for Xmas. Lots of cleaning up from this build and the demolition of the old observatory. I discreetly kept the mess out of the images.
  21. I just logged back on to have a spaceweather link say there has been a major M flare! It was brief and the CME wasn't Earth oriented. And yes, I can't stop looking at Lunts!
  22. Like always, amazing detail and information! Thanks!
  23. Unbelievably hot in the observatory, I might have to call it "the oven" during the day! Just a single image for me to get this active regions on file. I'm close to getting my computer set up out in the observatory. Really looking for that change. 8" F 4.9 reflector with Canon sl1 prime focus.
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