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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Incredible image and wonderful write up of information. I am just amazed at the stars if the widefield image! The universe is just so unbelievable!
  2. Daughter #1 called on fathers day to wish me well. Sorry, but we went on vacation and I forgot to mail you your gift. It's on the way, I think you are going to like it. Finished on both sides. Oh yeah!
  3. Wonderful. I'm hopeful to try and image it now the moon has grown small.
  4. That is huge! Thanks for posting the image! With Sol being just an average star, if not on the small side of average, can you imagine what some of the enormous stars would be producing?
  5. Just too many unknowns for me to think that would work! Same way for the drop of water and the volume of the ocean.
  6. I can't see anything close to this yet visually here in Central Florida. I'm certain it will get better as Jupiter climbs higher and is viewable earlier in the morning. We have had a lot of milky skys.
  7. Don't we all miss the terrible sounds dialup made when connecting?
  8. So another wet test. This one called a success, but!! With these test they go thru the actual prep for a launch, hopefully getting down to T minus 9 seconds. They stopped at T minus 23 seconds or so with complete fueling. But. They had a hydrogen leak on one of the 4" lines where it attached from the retractable arm to the rocket. They had to "mask it from the computer" to continue the wet test. Like Savic told James T. Kirk. You cheated! And sadly, with NASA wouldn't it be, again?
  9. What, dilute good alcohol with water? You are starting to sound like SWMBO! 😆
  10. I found an ugly spot on my lunar images using my 3x Barlow! Now I find out Baader wonder fuild is not available on this side of the pond! So, what is a red headed amateur amateur astronomer to do? Do I waste good alcohol on cleaning lens?
  11. I could see that from my #2 daughter! Everyone claims we even walk alike!
  12. Found a card waiting for me as I got ready for work. Went back upstairs, woke SWMBO to thank her. 😁
  13. What I always think is the statement, "life as we know it". Though I do have a few friends who think they know everything, I'm pretty certain most of us know we are still learning. I have no proof, or even theory to support my thoughts, but why couldn't there be some life that developed in an entirely different manner that exists on other chemicals or combinations of chemicals that hydrogen, oxygen and carbon? It goes back to simply, there might be..
  14. I wake almost every morning at 2am or 3am at the latest. The 3 days I still work I go in at 4am. When I first took the dogs out it was about 65° starting to set, but there was a thin layer of clouds. When I took the kids out the sky was a light blue from sunrise approaching, the sky clear.
  15. Amazing. That is an interesting article. I remember reading how microbes were found growing in oil. My question is, is that a completely "water" free environment, or is there microscopic amounts of H2O in the mix? If it is nothing but crude oil, it just makes me keep thinking we must get away from water being a key factor for "all" life and think more in the line of "liquid" being needed.
  16. Excellent! It was just setting as my tribe was heading on for a Dr. appointment this morning. I had to get the grandkids to come look at it, just to see the beauty the moon is.
  17. I'm willing to bet enough time has passed already you two are best of friends again. Few years back one of my Boston Terriers got a hold of my prescription glasses. Neither the frames or plastic lens were usable.
  18. Amazing image. Looking at the objects moving made me start thinking. 120s subs, that would mean even in one 120s image what ever it is is moving slow. When you think of the number of subs stacked, the more the subs, the slower it was moving. Am I correct with this line of thinking?
  19. I just read a link on Google that said Artemis 1 is back on the pad to try once again the required "wet" test which it failed the last attempt. It's sad to watch NASA, Boeing and it's partners struggle after being in the business for so many years. They made the comment "rocket science isn't easy" but still? I understand this is an entirely new design, but they continue to go the old throw it away process, not to mention struggle to stay on schedule. I really hoped to watch this one fly from the Cape, so I've saved all my vacation time I could. With E. Musk's first launch of a manned flight it took me two mad dashes across the state. As bad as I want to witness this history first hand, I have doubts on being able to get the timing right.
  20. An amazing image! When I see these images that clearly have the appearance of something we are familiar with, I have to ask how?
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