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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Welcome. You have definitely joined an amazing group. I'm your distant neighbor in Florida. I watch the weather every day and know you're seeing it cold now. Stay warm and enjoy those wonderful skies.
  2. Just because of that I always have a large 4way lug wrench in the car! It's much worse now I'm in my 60's!
  3. Got out for a few minutes to get a quick view, only to find the 12v battery I'm using dead. But I did get to view the big spot. In the short time couldn't see the new ones though.
  4. After seeing the heads-up I thought about giving it a try, but we had high winds all day so I didn't chance rolling the roof back. But just for giggles I took the 8" filter I made and just looked through it. I actually believe I could see it naked eye. Better with averted vision after looking for a few seconds.
  5. That's like the old joke we have over here. The wife said if i don't stop hunting and fishing so much she's going to leave me. I sure do miss her cooking! Of course a beautiful telescope should be out for others to see. Just look at all of them you see in the movies standing in the background!
  6. Incredible! 10 hours of imaging. Did you get that 10 hours in one session or was it several nights? I am so, befuddled would be the best way to describe my thinking when I see these massive times put in on camera time!
  7. I just hope none of my distant Klingon brethren come by and mistake it for another piece of that human space trash!
  8. I can just imagine the person who gets to squeeze the shutter button the first time, standing in the back asking, "How long is this going to take??"
  9. My advice would be to not get disappointed! Remember what you are looking at is billions of years old and isn't going anywhere! Seeing, equipment, you learning will all fall into place. Don't expect to do what others have spent years learning. I get a thrill every time I look at the Moon! It gets better, then you get better equipment and it gets even better! Then you find you are on the slippery hole we all get into! Enjoy!
  10. Excellent images! When Sol is active, she is impressive! I can only image what she would be like really angry!
  11. I bet the six hours passed quickly seeing all of those targets!
  12. I went outside to check out the waxing Moon. Sure enough it was in a clear area of my sky. Not far from it was Saturn! Much to my joy, below it was Mercury and above it Jupiter! By the time I hurried in to grab the camera and tripod, clouds started to move in, hiding either the Moon or one of the planets. I stood there in short pants, doing a mosquito dance, hoping to get everything but Jupiter inane frame. I managed just before Mercury disappeared beneath trees, but the moon was showing through clouds. Four planets, the Moon and a million mosquitoes all together!
  13. Really nice link to the photos Kirkster501! I would enjoy seeing it unfold and the snap together. For it to be perfectly collimated is amazing!
  14. Quapla! Now it's just more anxious waiting, and hoping!
  15. Last night was spent with Luna and yes, Orion's nebulae.
  16. The video was amazing @lukebl! That is what I enjoy about this forum so much! The sight you get to witness that you would have never got the chance on your own.
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