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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. The siding looks very nice! I've always liked lap siding. The second floor of my house is lap siding! Most of all I can't help but admire the area around the observatory. Very beautiful. And the hills in the distance, oh yeah. Florida is flat! Between me and the Gulf of Mexico 35 miles away the highest point ASL is about 50'.
  2. Excellent images! I do like the way you have processed the image.
  3. 27°, I'm not sure what you are talking about! 🤔 Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
  4. DaveL59, that one ^, I have to agree with you on. I guess you have to think of the time back then. As terrible his participation in the atrocities then, it was much better we ended up with him, than the Soviet Union.
  5. Many mistakes have happened in the past that I'm sure if it was possible to have a "do over", most would change things. I see the calls to "right wrongs" over here, and most of the time it is just another type of hate and discrimination. Instead of trying to erase the past, we should learn from it and hopefully not make the same mistakes again. Sadly, I see around me every day signs this is still a long time coming.
  6. It looks like a good start. And don't worry about the footer pad being different from the others! I believe it was the Shakers who always put a small flaw into their incredible carpentry work. They believed only one builder's creations were perfect. When I look into the sky's above me, I can believe that!
  7. Yes, the fourth image is tops! Well done again Sir!
  8. My first, I was happy to make out the basic shape. Doesn't give you much time to fiddle with adjustments as it passes! Lately, I haven't been having good direct passes. Keep at it!
  9. I feel for you. Our news has been talking about the incredible heat wave.
  10. Having internet trouble at work again with our hand held scanners.
  11. Last day of work this week. I take the dogs out at 3am and see the sky is beautiful! The moon was very clear and sharp in a good sky. Just a few degrees above it Jupiter was shining brilliantly. Twenty minutes later, go out the front with my trash for pickup and it's starting to cloud over! Just wonderful Florida rainy season weather.
  12. I don't know which is the most amazing part. Your excellent images, or how often you get the chance!
  13. Great images! But now you have me thinking! For the ISS to pass so closely overhead twice, does that mean it's angle of orbit, time to make one orbit, working out closely to the rotation speed/distance of the Earth, made this happen? In the time it took to make its 90 minute orbit, your house moved the right direction and distance to be close overhead again. Only 30° change in attitude.
  14. I saw the area of the deep field image described as being the equivalent of you holding a grain of sand at arms length. It was my understanding that the Hubble's deep field was taken of an area there was nothing visible in from Earth. I hope they just pick another area that is blank to us and do it again. To think there is something every where you look gives a new meaning to the term infinite!
  15. It is surprising what you can find in the thrift shops. SWMBO goes to town with my cousin. They normally hit the Goodwill shops for treasures. Sometimes you find real good deals, but many times they try to get just a bit too much for something.
  16. I've never seen it said better!
  17. Your not too bad are still much better than my good! 👍
  18. Wait, this isn't astro related!? HOW DARE YOU!! This is the end of my possible hope and dream of a dedicated solar telescope this year! So, it's definitely astro related. So, I'm calling this piece of engineering, The Lunt! Honey get me a beer from The Lunt! Is there any ice-cream in The Lunt! Maybe SWMBO will have sympathy for the devil.
  19. That's funny you pick that number. Take off the last 6 digits and that's what I had to spend yesterday on a new fridge. $1499.99.
  20. And it's just getting started!👍👍
  21. I love the views you have in your back yard! Me, absolutely no hills. This area in Florida there isn't much above 50' over sea-level and that is a very gradual slope.
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