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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. I am about ready to move a computer out into the observatory. After doing so solar viewing I began to realize I might have a problem. Yesterday, to confirm my worries, I took a thermometer out to the table where the computer will sit. Ambient air temperature in the shade was 88° F. The temperature in the observatory maxed the thermometer out at 100°F. It has a metal roof, so I'm going to start there then also do all the walls. Maybe even install a 12v fan to keep air circulating. So the computer will be off during the day, except for occasional solar, but 100° can't be good on it.
  2. Took me a second to see them. At about 9:30 position, just the edges visible. If that turns out to be one AR then it will be impressive!
  3. Over here no one seems to care! It's all about look at me, look at me! Homes have outside lights with sensors to turn them on at dusk. Driveways illuminated to find them easier. The local school and community center has new signage that stays on all night advertising their services and events. I have often wondered, if "global warming" is really that important to those who can change it, why not mandate a 1/3 reduction in exterior lights for businesses that are closed at night.
  4. I hope the two of you can make it. I'm looking at somewhere along the line in Arkansas or if necessary Illinois.
  5. I like Lunar images and would be quite pleased with all of these.👍
  6. Amazing! And thanks for the information too!
  7. Looks like I'll go with the Skysafari! Thanks to all!
  8. I do appreciate all the replies and thoughts! #1 rule for learning. Listen to those who know from experience!
  9. I had the free version of Skysafari on my old phone, but when the phone died, I didn't replace the app on my new phone. Now I'm ready to install another app, most likely the full version instead of the free. I value the more experienced members knowledge here, so I'm asking, which would be better? Stellarium pro or Skysafari full version? I have an android phone.
  10. My problem is I can see Polaris thru the scope, but not the PA scope. My observatory wall is just enough to hide it.
  11. I also use my 8" for solar WL. I don't remember the brand of film but one sheet was large enough to do the OTA and finderscope. I use the full 8", no reduction in size.
  12. I can only imagine what the sky must look like there!
  13. That's a wonderful image! I hate seeing The Great Hunter leave my night sky. But knowing Scorpio is chasing him, it's okay. Quite a bit to view there as well.
  14. You and me both! I like the image! I'm struggling with an old Canon which I'm certain has over 100k clicks if not many more! All night wide field meteor shots add up quick.
  15. That is an unbelievable image! Tried showing to SWMBO, she was impressed, but not enough for me to look closer at a Lunt. Pressing order now is completely out of the question!
  16. I find science discoveries like this so interesting, though I'm not going to lie. 99.7 % of it is way beyond me. As we keep seeing deeper into the universe, and time, I get the feeling no matter how advanced we become, we just might never find the true end of it. There will always be just a few more faint objects we can barely see. Hubble will forever be one of the great names in exploration. Shame to know it is destined for the satellite graveyard.
  17. That's the story of my entire life!
  18. At 2:45 today the viewing was some of the best I've had. The new spot and the largest of the older ones using a 23mm eyepiece showed a lot of detail. For a change I was able to clearly see the difference in the dark area of the spot and the lighter area surrounding them using just the 23mm. What would it be like to be viewing the sun and seeing a Carrington event happen?
  19. They have rolled it out and it is sitting on pad 39 now waiting. I'm hoping it falls on one if my days off, but if it doesn't I will probably miss work to see it. From what I've read it is just slightly shorter than a Saturn V, but more powerful. Like the Mars mission, they are giving tickets. Your name goes on a flash drive and is taken on the mission. I got mine!
  20. Yesterday, looking at the storms on Sol! The observatory is still a WIP! Forgive my seminakedness, it's hot in Florida at 3:45 in the afternoon.
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