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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Lovely images as always Paul, nice to see the diferent star colours so visible.
  2. lovely looking view, i was so happy to see this from the dark skies of Weybourne recently.
  3. It feels like the coudiest summer ever, probably no worse than most i guess. You just have to grab every chance you get, no matter how brief it is.
  4. In a world that seems to be dominated by aperture, it is great read your first views through the new "family member". Great optics are always going to be than just great size. I was going ask about planetary views, but you have already answered my question, the views of Saturn and Jupiter sounded like they were superb! I also like many ohers here grew looking through the old Tasco's.
  5. As @vlaiv has mentioned, the problem is going to be keeping the object on the chip. Hand tracking is tricky enough on an un-motorised EQ mount, i would imagine it is very tricking on a Dob mount. Even at the native focal length 1200mm, its going to travel through the field of view pretty quickly. The OTA and camera are more than capable of producing some fine images, in the right seeing conditions though.
  6. I enjoy using Binloculars a lot, always ready to use in seconds. They are easily my most used piece of astronomy equipment.
  7. This warning can never be repeated enough, mentioning Solar astronomy and binculars together should probably always come with a warning. 👍
  8. The weather has been very cloudy this summer, hopefully thee winter will be clearer.
  9. A fine pair of images, very well captured.
  10. Nice transit capture Kon, great to see the dynamic nature of the solar system before our eyes!
  11. Very nice Freddie, think i prefer the bottom image slightly, not that there is anything wrong with either. Not heard of http://astrosurface.com/pageuk.html before, how did you find the workflow and deconvolution in comparison to using Autostakkert and Registax.
  12. Superb capture, lovely details visible.
  13. Excellent end results, were these with imPPG?
  14. A fine set of images, great to see the scale on the Sun as well.
  15. Superbly captured, love the "smoky" look of it. I think the same lift off was posted on https://www.spaceweather.com/ as well.
  16. Two very fine image, love the Saturn in particular.
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