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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. It's great to see the Milky Way again, i had similar views from North Norfolk a couple of weeks ago. What a crying shame it is that society has become obsessed with illuminating the world into "perma daylight". Weybourne had streetlights, but they lit the street. The big difference for me was the absence of illuminatd buisneses, carparks, shope fronts, factories........ Incredible to think how much money is wasted as well! Been thinking about a short break in the winter maybe somewhere, only thing that puts me off is the weather.
  2. Correct. The only way you can really tell how the seeing is, is to get out there and give it a go.
  3. Nice captured, what did do with the rubber band?
  4. Lovely captures Hugh, I have always like the inverted colour images of the Sun in H/A.
  5. Great memories for you and family, must have been magical to share it with them.
  6. Exceelnt set of images, lovely detail there in that A/R
  7. A very nice white light capture. So much going on again, good to see the Sun very active.
  8. excellent images, 200mm of H/A aperture is an awasome thought!
  9. Love seeing the Jupiter transits, gives a real time view of the dynamic nature of the solar system. If someone had told me when i first saw Jupiter all those years ago, that i would be able to observe and also "take pictures" of these events i would not have believed them. A wonderful time to be an astronomer, despite the challenges that modern life puts in the way.
  10. An excellent set of images. Very Saturn and Jupiter images, nice to see the Moons on show.
  11. A fine image Craig, lovely colour and detail.
  12. Looking pretty good to me as well, some nice detail visible there.
  13. I owned the Mak 180 for a few years and dont remember any focus issues with that either.
  14. There is an old thread dicussing Mak focus issues here, it might help you.
  15. A nice image despite the conditions, always good to see some Moons on view.
  16. As a fan of Firecapture, i would cocmend that for capturing as the latest version supports this model. There will be plenty also recommending Sharpcapture as well though, looking forward to seeing the results whichever you decide to use.
  17. Going to be a for weeks before i image again, but at least it will be at a more sensible time then 🙂
  18. Very nice sharp images. One thing i have learned is, if the data is good, save it and go back and play with the processing. You never stop learning, you can not recapture the data but you can certainly reprocess as many times as you like.
  19. Some nice detil visible there, you should be pleased with your efforts. The amount of incredible images that are produced on here and other such places, its easy to forget just how tricky planetary imaging is particularly from the UK. So to get an image like is still a good effort for me, no sympathy, but plenty of praise for your first image 🙂
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