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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Some nice detail visible there. As for the ADC, "best thing/worst thing" it is going to help when used correctly, but it isn't a substitute for imaging a planet at +40 degrees in good seeing conditions. I have some decent results using mine, not had an opportunity this year though!
  2. Very nicely done, some good detail visible there.
  3. Tough conditions, but some nice detail visible there.
  4. A nice sharp image with your new camera. I would certainly use a smaller ROI, you should be able to capture more frames then. What focal length were you imaging at?
  5. A beautiful set of Saturn images there.
  6. Nicely captured. Not easy at that height, even in good conditions, if such things exist down there!
  7. Very nicely captured always good to see a transit, whether its a shadow or moon disc.
  8. Good images, especially considering the conditions.
  9. Superb level of detail, thanks for sharing Avani.
  10. Always worth the practice, you never know when that giant A/R or Prom is going to suddenly appear! 🙂
  11. Might be a little bit of wait for that i think, the minimum seems to have lasted ages already 🙂
  12. Thanks for the heads up, i recognized your image instantly Micheal!
  13. It has certainly been a golden year so far, i can not remember seeing so many reports of them and so far south. Lots of post midnight displays as well, really complex and prominent as well. Loving seeing all the images on here!
  14. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire🙂
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