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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. The calculators also suggest some where between F11-F14 for the Asi290mm. But it also suggests a Focal length of between 2578mm (red) and 3528mm (blue).
  2. A very interesting thread @vlaiv thanks for sharing. Using Dawes limit to solve the resolving power of my C9.25" telescope it can resolve 0.49 arc-seconds. According to sampling theorem i need to sample at twice the frequency of the signal being sampled. So the ideal resolution for my C9.25" would be to sample at about 0.25 arc-seconds/pixel, which would be no Barlow. Just seems a bit low at F15, let alone F11.2
  3. Having recently purchased a Asi290mm, I have some fairly decent Lunar images and some average Jupiter images (still a work in process) I have been mostly imaging at the native focal length, possibly a little more with the focuser/filter when in position. This gives me resolution of 0.25"/pixel, if I use a x1.8 Barlow this will be approximately 0.14"/pixel. This seems a bit oversampled, especially for the UK seeing conditions and the position of the planets. The native set up seems to give an image that lacks a bit scale to ne honest. The image below is a work in progress from the 25th
  4. I have done a few manually tracked images as well over the years, mostly when my battery has gone flat. You can let the area drift through the field of view and still get a decent image.
  5. I was surprised there are 2 sites just up the A1 from me, until I read what they consider a dark site was. I would have thought most of the country was an Orion site, apart from maybe areas of the larger cities. I also prefer the other map to be honest as guide as well. There is a fairly nice area that I do visit regular, that shows up very well on this map. https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/
  6. Becoming a little disillusioned with the UK imaging conditions. I did think the other night while observing M42, it might be nice to try some sketching. I was so heavy handed at school though, for technical drawing!
  7. I have pretty much all the TV plossl's that are available between 8mm-40mm. A rock solid eyepiece in all my scopes, the only temptation to change is to another TV eyepiece. They Barlow nicely as well, so a decent Barlow would effectively double your eyepiece collection.
  8. If you look here you can see the images posted https://stargazerslounge.com/forum/235-imaging-challenge-9-rgb/
  9. A few searches gave a couple of clues. A few searches gave a couple of clues, I would think if the Toucam Pro would work so would your SPC900 Unfortunately on the Philips website there is no reference to windows 10 drivers though http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/dcbint/cpindex.pl?slg=en&scy=nl&mid=Link_Software&ctn=SPC900NC/00
  10. I do neglect our nearest neighbour too much, this will encourage me to visit the Moon more often!
  11. Have no regrets getting my Feathertouch focuser at this years Astrofest, it makes fine focusing especially with a Barlow much easier. I would imagine it would be possible to automate it, if Lunt don't offer anything.
  12. and a ambitious double Barlowed view of AR2565,67
  13. I just remembered I promised to post a few favourites from 2016, to add the already superb collection here. The obvious place to start is with the Mercury transit!
  14. Exactly what I eventually ended up with, LS50THA, B600, LS50C, and FT focuser upgrade took a lot of saving for the upgrades. The double stack/focuser for imaging has made a big difference!
  15. A superbly detailed image Avani, keep up the good work.
  16. Great image especially for single frame, got too grab what you can.
  17. Lovey sketch, just like the view I had through my C9.25 tonight as well.
  18. Looks like an excellent investment to me. It will be interesting to see what the results are, especially on double star's and planets.
  19. I regularly Barlow my Lunt, which does involve using an extension as well. This puts the B600 diagonal around 160mm away from the focuser, add the webcam and then the old focuser really struggles. It will be nice to have a good solid focuser for those close up moments!
  20. Where will be the best place to purchase one I wonder, I guess there are a few UK retailers.
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