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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. An excellent UK Saturn image, some very nice detail on show.
  2. Still managed some decent detail there.
  3. Absolutely true regarding the gain. I have imaged Uranus with so much noise that can barely make the planet out! When stacked the noise is virtually gone, if you stack enough frames.
  4. An excellent set of images, plenty of detail visible there.
  5. Martins site is well worth book marking, lots of great advice on there. I had the pleasure of meeting last year, a real nice guy and very helpful. His images are inspiring, as is his home made scope"fossil light" a superb piece of engineering!
  6. looks good, especially with the GRS and a moon visible.
  7. Some nice detail visible there. Are you using the histogram to see how bright your image capture is?
  8. Some nice detail there, UK planetary imaging is difficult at the best of times.
  9. Nice set of images, pretty cloud again here.
  10. Not lost your touch, so little going on still though..............!
  11. Superb capture, a fine looking faint prom !
  12. Promising start, crack the focus and you will be in business.
  13. Look forward to seeing the images @Swoop1
  14. A lovely sharp disc, just wait till it livens up. All the practice during this quite spell will have well spent.
  15. Well captured, i don't think they lasted long!
  16. Very quite still, at still worth keeping practice.
  17. Interesting set of images, just shows what conditions can do. Some really nice detail in the prom on the last image.
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