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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  2. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  3. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  4. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  5. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  6. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  7. If its just one of any i have actually owned, its going to definitely my 22mm Nagler. Just simply a superb eyepiece. Its subjective i know, but quite possibly the best eyepiece i have looked through!
  8. Excellent images Avani, well explained about the effect as well.
  9. Excellent images, some very nice detail there.
  10. Fine set of images there Geof, especially with the current altitudes and conditions.
  11. Some nice details visible there, the planets are pretty difficult at the moment.
  12. Looked superb out of the spare bedroom window at that time as well.
  13. This a great topic for a challenge, its been really interesting watching all the coverage recently.
  14. A belated happy birthday, lovely sunset, that is a lot of wind turbines out there.
  15. Thanks you Freddie, can't imagine taking that picture a few years ago with a phone!
  16. They are pretty good single shots to be honest, its not an easy task imaging the planets at these altitudes.
  17. Blink and you will miss them at the moment! Its a bitboring, but a feel a real sense of anticipation for the coming years as the minimum ends and the new cycle "hots" up!
  18. That didn't last long, already vanished according to Spaceweather.com
  19. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  20. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  21. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  22. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
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