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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Does this work similar to Rowans mod http://www.rowanastronomy.com/productsa5.htm
  2. Did you retry marks ring fix for nikons ? i use a d5300, here's whats seems to work for me after experimenting i use Astap to stack ,load bias frames and analyse,load flats and analyse then press replace checked marked by master flat that will intergrate flat frame using bias , now load bias into darks tab and analyse once done again press replace with checked marked by one or more master dark , now load lights into lights tab and analyse once done hit stack ,when finished you will have a stacked fit file .you can try the same in dss to see if it works just load bias twice as your dithering ,once in bias once in darks ,i use these settings in Astap https://www.startools.org/links--tutorials/starting-with-a-good-dataset/recommended-astap-settings and have found it far simpler to use than DSS .
  3. measure the tube length if its 1000mm its a 200p if 200pds its smaller ,if it has a focuser with wheels on focuser lile spindld wheels its a 200p if it has fine tuner its 200pds like in linkhttps://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-focusers/dual-speed-crayford-1252-inch-focuser-for-skywatcher-explorer.html £240 for both depending on condition
  4. 4.8 hrs data 3min subs Nikon D5300 , stacked in Astap , processing in Startools
  5. will a baader click lock m56-2" hold a baader mk3 cc more secureley than a m56 compression fitting.
  6. Then you need a 12v powered hub at mount i bought an Orico one
  7. i used skears in northampton for a sensor clean they do repairs in house , you could drop them a message http://www.skearsphoto.com/repairinformation.html
  8. I use Startools to process and that usually sorts any color issue during processing if you post a stacked fits file im sure someone will look at it for you .
  9. definetley lose the barlow ,you can focus a dslr on a 200p
  10. As david says above , when funds allow get an autofocuser this locks focus so you will never be too far from focus and APT new multi focus routine is excellent .
  11. I would definitely recommend trying Startools, processing with good data like the Iki observatory data helps ,I can honestly say you can’t get any easier processing than with Startools it is really that simple a three yearn old could use it to and as Ivo said if you can’t then there is probably an issue with the data as mentioned, on Startools website there is a link to Guys notes saying what each module does https://www.startools.org/links--tutorials, there is also a very good unofficial manual too very comprehensive http://download.startools.org/StarTools Manual V1_3_5 Unofficial.pdf and Ivo is always on hand to help if for some reason there’s an issue he will be more than willing to look into the issue . Here is a videoing the of a data of M31 I did for someone on Startools forum(their data) that was having issues to give an idea of workflow .
  12. Just set apt to park up after imaging session using the script #park I’ve used that before working out roughly what time you need it to park and set image plan accordingly
  13. You can also stack the finished stacked image from both nights together, Siri’ls developer told me that and worked very well tbh , don’t asked me how I did it though it was a while ago and I always scratch my head using Siril but it is very good at stacking .
  14. Nikon’s are harder too mod hence dearer tbh if you want a modded dslr opt for a canon , or save up for a cooled camera
  15. As Sean says for cable , you can control via Astrophotography Tool 👍 iso 200 for Dso targets .
  16. Astap has a ccd inspector built in , Startools has an algorithm to fix eggy stars which works very well
  17. Follow davids guide and use Astap option details further into thread .
  18. Does your focuser look like this ,so the bracket holes dont line up to any of the grub screws on the flat of the focuser , coupler is a standard fitting and can be had on ebay should you need another coupler ,im sure other peeps on here have EAF fitted to this focuser so maybe they can enlighten you better. +1 for deepsky dad i have his units fitted to my scopes one being a Skywatcher 200pds same type focuser as yours .
  19. What telescope are you fitting the eaf too ,are you saying there is no way of fixing the bracket to the focuser ? as for the locking screw you do not use a locking screw once removed as the motor keeps focuser locked .
  20. Yes for astrophotography not visual ,hence masking the clips
  21. I have ordered a washer from Lasermaster 220mm in dia with an inner dia of 188 mm 1mm thick to mask primary clips ,next is to trim draw tube which inrudes into ota 25mm ,a quick measure the max intrusion would be approx 6mm so 19mm to trim off the End does that seem about right to others that have trimmed the Draw tube .
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