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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. I noticed astroimager 4 by cloud makers have posted a few videos over the last week , only for Mac users , I believe this can be used in server mode too so you can use a Raspberry pi at scope more on their website ,pretty much supports all hardware required . https://www.cloudmakers.eu/xindi/
  2. Startools 1.8 is currently under development, Ivo is currently working a Narrowband Accent" module for duo band users , initial image Ivo has posted certainly looks interesting https://forum.startools.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2225&start=10 Ivo also working on a new deconvolution algorithm so some good things for Startools users to look forward too .
  3. Got all four bar the southern objects all very good objects not replicated in other books , I got mine off the book depository.
  4. Do you know where the fuse box is lols, maybe your landlord could adjust lighting to be more ambient ,maybe low level lighting and turning outer lighting off after a certain time ,or get a few neigbours in on it to back you up .
  5. Looking forward to Ivo doing other Startools talks , hopefully and the fact you post them on YouTube is a bonus as you can watch at your own convenience, I did thoroughly enjoy the meteorite man one like chatting with your mate in the pub , don’t be compelled you have to do every week just go with the flow ,as and when required
  6. Have a word with Ivo , @jager945 post on his forum or on here your fits file to be processed , inc your acquisition details ,camera , integration time , calibration details and I’m sure he will gladly guide you on the correct way.
  7. Does the zwo not do a manual hand controller ?
  8. Just choose Stellarium as your planetarium software in APT , look into using Astap via Apt , far quicker , just make sure you have configured Apt for your focal length , camera etc then use Goto ++ in Apt
  9. I think Pavle at deepskydad can supply a bracket to allow this drop him an email I think Pavle’s standard bracket for the 200pds will fit this . https://deepskydad.com/
  10. You can’t beat. Galactic collision 👍Dslr using the 200pds roughly 4hrs
  11. Looks good to my eyes 👀 alacant
  12. That’s good, I have a canon 400mm lens red type I picked up for £100 has fungus to to be honest works fine I toyed with getting fixed if possible I will drop them an email to see if they can sort it once funds allow.
  13. What sort of price did they charge for fixing out of interest Stuart .
  14. Mick is it worth finding someone that has taken same image using same camera at same unity settings and comparing Raw file just to see how they compare just incase there is something way off with your camera.
  15. If your using Apt switch to Astap as it’s far quicker there is a tutorial here now you have platesolving working just use go to ++ , so platesolve and sync , use go to ++ choose an object and go to ++ will put the object in centre within a few pixels after a few moves
  16. Jut use a mobile phones built in digital level ,lay it on the tray under mount or buy a better larger bubble https://www.amazon.co.uk/Acrylic-Spirit-Bubble-Diameter-Degrees/dp/B00KP8YNJG/ref=pd_sbs_7?pd_rd_w=JymT2&pf_rd_p=448c740b-5b83-47fd-809b-6bedb049b25c&pf_rd_r=2MSMJZ39R0YTG0AAR367&pd_rd_r=39c08d12-2ae4-45fa-8c6f-58d2628fb9d7&pd_rd_wg=rijxg&pd_rd_i=B00KP8YNJG&psc=1
  17. On your mobile try using 4g not WiFi , if your in virgin you can allow a website in the parental control settings page in case your blocked .
  18. Drop a message on Eqmod forum Chris may have an idea what the conflict is or another member may . https://groups.io/g/EQMOD/topics
  19. in dither settings is it set to phd instead of phd2
  20. what version of apt and are you running, are ascom and eqmod latest drivers .
  21. Looks bang on to my 53yr old eyes well done 👍
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