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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Best Velcro forget the imposters is 3M Dual lock industrial Velcro very strong better than the Velcro brand stuff , we use it in the boat building industry. note all Velcro adhere to a shiny smooth surface if it’s dimpled like orange peel or rougher a thin coat of thixofix type adhesive on the surface to be applied wait till tack dry then apply Velcro pad firmly .
  2. Looks like a zwo camera in photo so global shutter
  3. If you are connected via ascom can you platesolve ,especially in APT using Goto ++ ,so get good PA and platesolve using Astap option in APT (once configured first you can do that in the daytime using an old image you have taken ).
  4. Yes guys notes are very good at informing what each module does too https://forum.startools.org/viewforum.php?f=12 👍
  5. I’ve used StarTools’s for a few years now but had completely missed user jochen had written a unofficial user manual so here is the link very informative to old and new users alike worthy of sharing . https://download.startools.org/StarTools Manual V1_7.pdf @jager945
  6. If using a dslr I would take Flats every session , bias frames can be taken in the house place camera in a bag leave in fridge for a while to cool take 30 bias frames and create a folder , dither at least 15pixels , I use APT for aquasition and guide if possible don’t bother with darks , load bias frames as your dark frames in DSS or whatever stacker you use , how do you plan to process images, I would recommend Startools free to try as long as you like though you can’t save final image (screen shot to save) but is very competitive in pricing £40 ish .
  7. still dont know what im lookin at though https://theskylive.com/sky/deepsky/ic110-object
  8. old post i know but there is a tutorial here for adding Ha to lrgb using startools if it is of help. https://forum.startools.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2148
  9. Here’s what I would do , first time use a bahtinov mask now you know where focus is from now on you’re roughly in focus close enough for auto focus to work, Apt has buttons to move manually in-out should you need move nearer if too far out for autofocus to work properly. assuming the two flats line up in the coupler just wind the focuser in to 65
  10. Why would it matter where your focus point is you can just use the motor to wind in and out to where you need it to be , just looked at your video and seemed fine , my autofocuser fits different to yours I use a belt as I don’t like the focus unit poking out and have it around the fine focuser .
  11. Dont put it off put it at the top of your priority list honestly youll kick yourself for not doing it sooner just follow davids tutorial ,and use ASTAP to solve which is further into the thread .
  12. Money well spent imo ,Goto++ is fantastic since using it i dont even use a finder scope all plate solving and goto ++ for me .
  13. I found the auto routine to be very good last time out and its being fine tuned at the moment ,details on the APT forum, you can see the work going into it .
  14. Ivo @Yoddha uses a eaf , yes pretty much as you describe double click on image 1:1 choose a star not too bright though sat 1 or 2 hit run as you described, any problems drop a message on apt forum , have a read on apt user manual 👍
  15. I use Apt with my Nikon and find it easy /simple to use , I use with my autofocus unit ,platesolve via Astap,connects to a variety of planetariums, dither via phd2, it’s go to routine is great and go to++ is brilliant, the new autofocus routine is excellent , you can auto focus using a lens if you use a canon camera , you can run scripts which I have dabbled with ,in that I set it to park mount after finishing imaging run , if you use a ccd you can use a raspberry pi via server mode (dslr is planned to use server mode from v3.9 ) there’s quite a lot it can do to be honest and Ivo’s support on the forum is excellent, have a read through the APT manual for a full list of features https://astrophotography.app/UserGuide.pdf
  16. Startools is free to try and vastly cheaper than others
  17. I’m using Startools 1.7 ,Dave Eagle has a new affinity book coming out which may be of interest https://www.star-gazing.co.uk/WebPage/shop/
  18. seems ok to me ,I would say make sure intersection mode is used in DSS settings also read the best settings for startools details here https://www.startools.org/links--tutorials/starting-with-a-good-dataset if using a dslr then try to dither between frames as that rids walking noise , always take flats on the night too very important and if you dither no need for darks just take Bias frames and load in DSS as Dark frames .
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