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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Yes change dither distance to 6 for a maximum dither of 16 see how that goes
  2. I think a customer is entitled to be kept in the loop irrespective if he’s a one man band if you tell your customers may then why would you expect two weeks into June and not have received an update, sorry in my book it don’t wash , quick to take your monies all to do with communication, they say a promise means nothing until it’s delivered.
  3. It’s quite simple if a manufacturer has the materials then he can roughly gauge his delivery date , if on the other hand he is missing a part then he can’t so if the customer is informed of this and given honest info as to what the problem and be realistic then customer can decide if another 6 month wait is acceptable or not , with regards the trident mount that is totally unacceptable if on the other hand he was told it’s a three year wait then that’s acceptable , one month to two years that’s called lying 🤥 about a realistic date knowing full well it’s not happening.
  4. If a company stipulates a date you will have it then that when you expect it if it’s not happening then inform customer at earliest date too many people roll over and get led up the garden path on dates a week turns into 2 then 6weeks just be honest .
  5. Mulling over getting an Astro camera but which camera would be a better suit for a 200pds fl and a technosky AG 70 350fl is toying with a 533mc zwo or Altair or is there a better match ?
  6. Seems mr Mesu needs a reality check , he offering a high end product you’d expect his service to match that too just be truthful to the customer if there’s a problem just say so give the customer the option to cancel or wait until anticipated date .
  7. That’s poor service, looking on modern astronomy they’re taking deposits for a batch of 200e mounts due July , hopefully you get your money back soon, they say a company is only as good as it’s service and this doesn’t read well does it .
  8. Apt dither of 7 should give you a dither of approx 18pixels ,6 will give approx 15 pixel dither .
  9. What’s your guide scope Fl , imaging scope fl, imaging camera pixel size and guide scope pixel size ?.
  10. What programs are you using to dither out of interest
  11. How many pixels are you dithering , try a dither of at least 15 pixels you have walking noise so possibly not dithering enough .
  12. Solar live feed from Ipswich clouds permitting
  13. Alternative is Af3 unit by deepskydad now stocked by @FLO temp sensor and hand controller available separately , adapter available for a wide range of telescopes.
  14. loveley image the core looks a bit green had a crude play in Startools hope you dont mind , neutralized green in colour module and use hdr module using detail range to resolve detail in stars just to see if it made a difference
  15. Never be embarrassed, have a good read of Startools best practices https://www.startools.org/links--tutorials Dss settings https://www.startools.org/links--tutorials/starting-with-a-good-dataset/deep-sky-stacker-settings as said @jager945 is on hand here or on the Startools forum should you be unsure .
  16. Ask @han59 Astap developer, Astap is good so maybe a setting needs tweaked .
  17. See if there is a local club seeing as things are opening up again and go along maybe seeing objects may light the fire 🔥, I’m assuming from your name your in Cornwall if so there may be a club near you http://www.astronomyclubs.co.uk/Clubs/Default.aspx?CountyId=18
  18. Cheers Steve I did order a 3mm m48 extension they sent an m42 version😡 I will look at springs , I have a losmondy bar and rings bridged 👍 I will look at shimming 1mm more
  19. So on my 200pds i have been tweaking the optics to refine the optics to give better stars so apeture mask fitted to primary ,drawtube trimmed so not to protrude into ota now as far as i can tell primary and secondary are collimated tweaked the primary last night using barlowed laser and secondary used concentre now the baader cc mk3 now has a spacing of approx 57.6 ,using the m48 fitting ,so 46.5mm sensor distance ,T-ring to cc shoulder 9.1mm and a friend made me a delrin washer 2mm which i fitted under cc lenses to push further away from sensor to give 57.6 ,attached a 10 sec sub of arcturus now stars seem to show coma pulling to 5 oclock which i think may be down to PA so if more experienced members in the fine art of tweaking cc does this look like i'm there abouts ,do you think the star shape is down to PA or does spacing need further tweak . Raw files attached a 6 sec and two 10 sec and a screen shot @alacant https://www.dropbox.com/s/3uqyyqahnvzx0cr/Single__0084_ISO1600_6s__NA.NEF?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/bt19xehlt39i8t6/Single__0085_ISO1600_10s__NA.NEF?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/px058pgrzcivbl2/Single__0086_ISO1600_10s__NA.NEF?dl=0
  20. To be fair it’s an industrial estate if you look on satellite view on maps so wouldn’t be alarmed at that .
  21. If you struggle with the likes of Gimp , photoshop,affinity I certainly did ,levels and curves taking forever and a day to get something then I would highly recommend Startools , +1 for Ivo being super helpful should you need guidance.
  22. Cloudmakers are also behind indigo sky I believe which are the team which I believe are the link in being able to use APT VIA server mode (dslr user have to await Apt 3.90 to use this feature) windows only .
  23. Times I’ve bought stuff and wife says I thought you said you have everything you need .
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