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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Best to test in Astap stand-alone first you may need to populate ra/ dec coordinates first ask @han59 he will guide you
  2. Nice data ,processing using Startools 1.7.456
  3. As good as ,works on WiFi too , separate temp control and hand controller available too ,works on ascom and indi
  4. Deepskydad af3 focuser will work Pavle will confirm if you email him https://deepskydad.com/autofocuser3
  5. Yes fingers crossed 🤞, yes graham said a replacement on its way hopefully 🙏🏻 a kind hearted neighbour has taken it in 🤔 .
  6. I’m sure this driver will be looking for a new job today.
  7. Graham A friend has had a new scope purchased from flo mislaid assumed stolen down to couriers DHL incompetence please keep your eyes peeled on social media , eBay etc this was taken from Ipswich area , please inform @FLO if spotted . Can you all please keep your eyes open for this scope. I purchased a ' StellaLyra 10" f/8 M-LRC Ritchey-Chrétien Carbon Truss Telescope ' from FLO last week and it has gone missing. Last Thursday the delivery driver delivered it to the wrong address. On finding no one was home instead of taking the parcel back to the depot he left it in the front garden behind a bush. 😲 On returning to the address today it is no surprise theparcel has disappeared. Can you all keep an eye on social media, local Gumtree sites, Ebay ect where this might just come up for sale.
  8. Sharp cap pro is ten pounds and pa accurately, phd2 multi star guides(free) , think a bit if a niche product tbh.
  9. What windows version are you running
  10. On my Nikon D5300 I fitted my 2” idas D2 into the T ring obviously you can’t do that if your using a lens .
  11. Peter shah has an excellent design that could work with a dob
  12. For stacking there is Deepskystacker , for processing there is Startools, simple to learn and get an image you will be happy with just following default settings then you can work on getting the best certainly easier to get your head around ,free trial as long as you like , paid version approx £40 very good value for money https://www.startools.org/
  13. Suggested Sweet spot for the D810 is 200 iso http://dslr-astrophotography.com/iso-values-nikon-cameras/
  14. You can use Astap to identify asteroids comets etc you just need to solve the image and Astap can identify asteroids in fov info here
  15. Just dither if you can less hassle having to take Darks as alacant says .
  16. That’s excellent Steve what scope fl are you using on this .
  17. I run a 5m usb 3 cable to a 12v powered usb3 hub at pier from shed controlled by Apt ,phd2 at shed pc then Remote Desktop from laptop in house, shed has mains pier and internet via power line adapter , 10m not so sure on that.
  18. Anydesk and windows Remote Desktop as said that requires win10pro which you can buy from resellers for £10 works very well I’d go for latter one tbh .
  19. Siri Scripts are easy enough to use but as a program I find it unintuitive and not user friendly manually, though gives good results ,I tried Astap stacking the other day and found that the easiest stacking program I have used to date after tweaking settings for processing in Startools and they were minor tweaks .
  20. Are you sure you haven’t mixed D3500 with the D5300 I didn’t think the D3500 was rated for Astro I may be wrong I use D5300 which is highly rated .
  21. First picture correct last picture wrong , so in first picture wind focuser in so there is only about 20 mm of silver tube showing you should be somewhere near focus , try in daylight focus on distant object . I use a Nikon d5300 and canon 1000d and on a 200pds and a 130pds can achieve focus
  22. Thanks for clarification michael i will recheck image next time i have 200pds out ,
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