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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. First light zwo533mc-200pds forgot to do bias frames which I will do later but a quick process in Startools stacked in Astap 4hrs data approx gain 100 offset 10 .
  2. Yes that’s what you need a user to confirm a specific model/brand 👍 that uses multiple illuminated edges
  3. Check how it’s illuminated I bought one originally but was only lit one edge which looking at it may be what you have try finding one that’s illuminated two edges
  4. So im trying thinking of tidying the cables on my setup Can anyone tell me if i can plug my qhy 290mm guide camera , and my deepskydad autofocus unit into a zwo533mc utilising the two spare USB ports on the camera or I could plug guide cam into pi4 , am I likely to encounter any compatibility issues , then I could run the Zwo533mc to a raspberry pi4 running APT server , the shed pc can connect wirelessly to the pi4 , power to peripherals can be powered from my deepskydad hub2 so this setup could possibly tidy cabling up Anyone see any issues with this , memory stick in pi4 usb3 port , Eqdirect cable to usb2 port on pi4 . dave
  5. I adapted my own mount tapping an aluminium wedge so the bolt hit metal square on ,I’m surprised Rowan Engineering doesn’t stock something like a rail kit maybe drop them an email and ask . seems odd they say not making rail kit as this comes up in a search https://www.darkframeoptics.com/product/eq6-rail
  6. Can you lock the mirror up in the settings, is it a neighbour you get on with ? , I wouldn’t think it would be that annoying maybe you can muffle the noise with wind chimes 😆 once on target I doubt it’s the mount , locking the mirror may help though .
  7. Windows 10 has a recover built in may be pro version though .
  8. Can anyone tell me the difference between the astronomic uhc and the uhc -e filter, which one would be better suited to using with a zwo533mc. Thanks Dave
  9. I use a Deepskydad dc hub 2 https://deepskydad.com/dchub2
  10. Thanks I just picked up one on astrobuy 👍 Thanks David I do use the D2 but don’t use it all the time ,
  11. Can anyone tell me do I need a uv/ir filter fitted using a zwo533mc it will be used on both a refractor and a reflector and am I right in thinking you can thread into the 11mm spacer in front of the AR window not sure off hand what that thread is . regards Dave
  12. I’ve ordered a new cable to go from my power box which is fused can’t remember what fuse I used need to look, but what size fuse should I protect with ? to my deepskydad hub which is rated 10a with a 4a resettable fuse , I’ve ordered a lynx Astro silicon cable 2.2-2.5 mm 1m , now from the DSD hub to camera power feed which is only about 12 inches away I usually just use those 2.1x5.5mm cables with the thin wire you get off eBay ones with the black and white wire will that be sufficient to use to power cooled camera or should I look for a cable with heavier gauge wire ? Obviously the tec cooler draws a bit of power tried last night using a cable with a car type fused lead which popped that fuse so I need to make sure cables and fuses are up too the job . https://www.firstlightoptics.com/astronomy-cables-leads-accessories/lynx-astro-silicone-power-cable-21mm-dc-jack-to-25mm-dc-jack.html https://deepskydad.com/dchub2
  13. @Clarkey @Whistlin Bob do you take Darks and bias or just bias and load as a dark frame when dithering.
  14. So I’ve just got a zwo533mc having previously used a Nikon D5300 which I Dithered, now moving over to the cooled camera is it still worthwhile dithering or better not too , dither less aggressive, or dither after x amount of subs what’s the thoughts on this .
  15. Update just incase it’s of use to other new users of the zwo533mc,Other global users are using a gain of 100 and offset 10-20 any higher offset you lose dynamic range , nb filters gain set 120-125 to allow for the lack of light. sensor 11.31 SQ Dave
  16. Hopefully in the week i have a used zwo533mc coming as this will be my first proper astro cam moving from a dslr ,so all new to me i will be using via APT ,i live in a bortle 5 area what gain settings should i start off with,i will be using with a Tecnosky AG70 350mm fl and a sw200pds 1000mm fl ,currently i have been dithering should i stick with dithering ?, any other tips welcome. can someone confirm the sensor size I need to input into APT In MM , regards Dave
  17. This is going to be a really exciting project to watch unfold time to seperate the wheat from the chaff ,this potentiallly is citizen science at its best good luck to the team participating .
  18. Outstanding feature ,1.8 really is worth the wait👍
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