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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Try Startools it cost nothing to try for as long as you like only difference is you can’t save file though you can screen shot, have a read on Startools website at Ivo Jager’s @jager945description of what Startools is capable of and full version is around £40 https://www.startools.org/
  2. My pier is 5m away from my imaging pc win10 in the shed so I get it all running then log onto the shed pc from my laptop in house , I have internet access in shed via a power line adapter .
  3. use a powered 12v hub at mout usb3 should be fine mine is .
  4. What do you have pulse guide settings at ,default in Eqmod are 0.10 up them to 0.60 for both Dec and Ra
  5. I just read a post on Startools forum and thought worthy of a share a chap with colour blindness finding using Startools rgb colour check finally allowed him to process his images giving him correct colour so if your colour blind this may be helpful to read . https://forum.startools.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2118&p=9427#p9427 @jager945
  6. Get setup with guiding in phd2 then you can use sharpcap pro to polar align , get platesolving setup in APT , tutorial below,makes life so much easier then use pointcraft to find your targets bang on using go to ++ in Apt
  7. Dave at rowan recommend https://transair.co.uk/aeroshell/aeroshell-grease/aeroshell-grease-64/aeroshell-grease-64-400gm-cartridge-mil-g-21164d-def-stan-91-57 in a post once.
  8. You could use a usb battery bank with a usb Y lead to give required amps
  9. It may be worthwhile sending a message to all all clubs /groups to highlight such theft not all astronomers are on SGL didn’t there used to be a list of groups on here .
  10. maybe or maybe something reset settings ,maybe try a different stacker .
  11. Apt dither of 4 and phd2 dither scale of 1 will give you a dither of 18 pixels , apt dither of 3 will give you a dither of 13 pixels .
  12. Out of interest what camera /scope guide camera /guide scope are you using
  13. Try dithering in spiral movements in phd2 settings assuming your doing it that way
  14. How many pixels are you dithering, what program are you using to dither
  15. You have walking noise you need to dither between frames to eliminate , Startools can help with images showing walking noise https://www.startools.org/modules/denoise
  16. Drop @han59 a message send him the image file with your camera settings iso /exposure he will soon have you sorted .👍
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