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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. What a night I have not seen the "whale" and "hockey stick" for a few years now not been to a dark sky with the 5" yet to see if I can get them and never seen M51 from home. Some great galaxies there and the "cats eye" I have never tried.
  2. Great report Neil, a friend has found a darkish site for us 35 minutes away I cannot wait try that out once I have a health problem fixed hopefully in the next month or so. Even then I won't see as much as you with my 5" but be nice see what I can get. Those galaxies are out for me but reading your report I can certainly picture them.
  3. I had the chance to look at M3 and M53 last night before my mount decided to go haywire. In my 5" refractor from home it looked comparable to M13 I did not put a lot of mag on 15mm but it looked brilliant M53 looked smaller and more nebula if you know what I mean not as distinctive as a cluster that was also with the 15mm.
  4. Mike did you make your own or buy the hood I could do with one from home.
  5. Both very good reports I myself have never seen M51 from home despite 8 years of trying in varying scopes from a 4" to a 8". Quite a few of those objects I have not seen many I have from a dark site including the " The Whale and Hockey stick" Thank you for posting.
  6. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  7. A warm welcome to SGL
  8. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  9. I have not caught "The Ghost of Jupiter" yet and from home galaxies are out of the question apart from the brighter ones. Good report some really nice targets.
  10. Great report Doug some great targets in there and loads of information. I think there are a couple I've not viewed I will have to check my notes.
  11. Set up at 10pm let the scope cool went back out at 10.45pm giving myself another 20 minutes to dark adapt. Σ1835 Ra 14h 23.4" Dec +08° 27` lovely colour here yellow/white with a blue companion ΟΣ 298 (SAO 0648 00) lovely pale orange twins could not tease out the third component Σ1825 (SAO 0832 59) very close got it in the Televue 10mm Plossl Yellow/orange primary with silver secondary touching Κ Bootis (SAO 0290 46/45 Bright star with a silvery dot companion iota ( Acsellus secundus) (SAO 0290 71) Lemon and a off white pair of stars ε Bootis (Izar) (SAO 0835 00) contrasting colours here yellow and powder blue used my TMB 4mm here giving me X 250 Σ1910 15h 07.5m +09° 14` Twin yellow stars. μ Bootis (Alkalurops) (SAO 0646 86/87) Bright star with twins as a companions used the TMB 4mm here again. Canes Venatici Σ261 (SAO 0633 96) pair of blue white stars in the TMB 6mm giving X 166 α CVn Cor Caroli (SAO 0632 57) bright white and blue/green companion beautiful sight. "La Superba" (SAO 0443 17) not a double but got to look at this lovely orange ember star
  12. Brilliant Nick I have just copied these to try in my Tal what a great session lovely read. What is "Webbs Wreath" that's a new one on me. Thanks' for posting
  13. Yes its that time of year for Bootes double and triple stars although I still have a list for Leo, Coma Bernice's and Canes Venetici waiting to go.
  14. Many many objects I wont see unless I get a bigger scope which I am mulling over. Great session John.
  15. Wow I wished I had contacted you before and met you there rather than taking a tumble setting up from home with my slippers on which curtailed my nights viewing, would have been amazing if I could of got M51 in my 5" frac. Great report I am so jealous if only it wasnt my sons birthday today the wife`s 60th on Thursday our anniversary Sunday and my sister-in-laws 50th on the 18th I may have gone for that 12" dob in the classifieds.
  16. Great haul I've already got my list ready but unfortunately looks like cloud tonight.
  17. Great haul there plenty to get your teeth into.
  18. Great report a wonderful read.
  19. Great session I've only ever seen the whale and the hockey stick from a dark site when I had my 8" reflector I've not tried with my 5 " Refractor yet from a dark site. A great haul things I will not get in my scope.
  20. Have you got the SAO numbers for those Nick.
  21. Superb Nick with good seeing my Tal may be up to this, there are a few there I dont think I know so will copy them thanks for posting great sketches. In my rush to get set up last night I tripped and fell quite heavily on my right side I have now a sore wrist, elbow and hip that put paid to my night. I had seen a bit a cloud and wanted to get out at least for a couple of hours but I should of took my time and put my boots on not try and set up in slippers.
  22. I was very lucky got a seagull for £12 and a adapter that slots straight in for £6 3 years ago as I have very bad back problems this has been a godsend.
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