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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. This is very good has all angular separation in graphs especially good for your arithmetic mind.
  2. Capella for me is near enough straight up for me if its not in FOV I would be on the floor looking through the Telrad handset never gave me Procyon or would of got that well not Scrolling through on first star anyway, really frustrated me last night. Yet another night the handset will show stars I can easily get to I havnt a clue why "ghost in the machine" Thank you for the input hopefully next time it will be easier.
  3. Great read thank you I saw the "Eskimo Nebula" for the first time last night but I had the advantage of a goto mount.
  4. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  5. As said by SpaceCadet even if you buy a Reflector with more aperture if you are looking in the wrong place you won't see M42 at all. I have two refractors a 4" and a 5" for the brighter galaxies and nebulas your 80mm would easily pick them up. I know you said you were considering anyway but IMHO I would try and find the objects with the refractor before getting the reflector otherwise you will come back and say I have 6" or 8" reflector and cannot see anything. Took me a while to find objects just need learn the sky and position of the objects may I suggest downloading Stellarium and using this to help you.
  6. Are you sure you were looking in the right place "Orion's Nebula is not in the belt stars it is further down I had my Tal 100rs (100mm) so only 20mm bigger and I could clearly see it. take a look at this if I am wrong and you where in the right place I apologise but from your post it does look like it. https://skyandtelescope.org/observing/celestial-objects-to-watch/observing-the-great-orion-nebula/
  7. Did mine last night 7 stars is all I could see and that was at the end of my session so I was well dark adapted.😢
  8. Set up early was planning on doing 15 objects why it's very cold using the Tal 100rs. Alignment first star Sirius way off and lamp in vision took me ages try and see it through the Telrad finally got it centered it looked in focuser blocked by my shed brilliant. Wanted Regulus handset said no first star Alioth second Rigel absolutely stupid. Check alignment with M42 way out lamp in way again finally got it in on to my list by this time feet where freezing and the cold was playing havoc with my back. 54 Leonis (SAO 0815 83) Cracking double lovely colour contrast of Yellow and Blue. Σ 1521 (SAO 0817 40)Hair split with 11mm both white. 90 Leonis (SAO 0996 73) lovely triple with tight pair yellow stars with greyish companion all in a line. ΟΣ 215.(SAO 0990 32). Too close to split with my 4" just got a peanut shape. M44 This looked brilliant with the 32mm GSO stars everywhere. M67 Another lovely view. A First for me NGC 2392.(Eskimo Nebula) Caught it with the 25mm but looked better in the 15mm nice blue/green Halo. That was it in too much pain and very cold packed up came in got a warm drink.
  9. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  10. I had a 150p as my first scope brilliant collimating it the first time was a nightmare but its like riding a bike once done it's easy, I had to tweak that every time I took it out only the Primary though.
  11. They do mention the "James Webb" scope although it is not an optical scope it sees in infrared.
  12. Brilliant, a addition could be any SAO numbers that corresponds but easy to look up, thank you very much really good resource. Paul
  13. I use a compass away from the mount which I shine a red light on then adjust the mount accordingly once I've done that look in the polar scope and it's usually there just needs a bit of adjustment.
  14. A warm welcome to SGL
  15. I have several lists if you want any please dont hesitate to ask I am a big fan of doubles they are my main targets with clusters from home as you have said because of light pollution.
  16. Very good report detailed and the sketches are brilliant if you are able get the "Cambridge double star atlas 2nd edition" or "Double stars for small scopes" by Sissy Hass if you want any lists please let me know I have several that will keep you going for years. Well done very good read.
  17. Has the thread gone where the screw goes into or is the screw short and not catching. I don't know the size of the screw sorry. You could get some rings and put a normal synta dovetail on.
  18. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Quality-12V-10A-10-amp-120W-DC-POWER-Supply-ADAPTER-Transformer-LED-Strip-CCTV/174318413938?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item28962fe872:g:QTAAAOSw5Ede6DpG&amdata=enc%3AAQAFAAACgBaobrjLl8XobRIiIML1V4Imu%2Fn%2BzU5L90Z278x5ickkSG%2BOFgrj2Yvbvmrj2TAdM46rGuAnz4cBuJE0eXg6VeSC2vKzd1VLpa7ALvFy9DEq5FcW51QMwLXxYp9rgNTNRPx2viOVe00pGKwShCgMzR063xM5FLyjp2yqCfu81217o2DZrUWreHkeVgZJOC%2FvoB%2F7ariZ%2BRmNITYqLN%2BgIQzTaypWV0ftZlMG6TDn7l2bHKgrn8LDnWwO9kFoUjWtXbZvovsC%2FjCacFpP7unTHRCeq7Fd70OgpT3nu0hgo9QiPM3aHJIxxluKer8diy0s0tA5UGUKGuNIskyrH2pIShYwQniEmtWpQU9BvCYTJdsd0JAyZv%2B%2BJNqplYRDQlnoTKj2n6W16Nkb%2BdeHqva3TMajOIyGCrK3%2BcmApngbYtCkaFVUeNX7rjukWNl8zoZW%2B%2Fj3Yl6CoHWAJbpPtjkg5rhabVloYRaUy3r7jAphiNvhrCCupb6oc%2Bp5W21UMZtaQ63uFsIuJOB0McEzahYEHWyE2PIp%2B%2FllNCTuISU92LL3TxsfAW0Tsfu6kTR2FlQ9eiSxT2eUfoMaCsMYQov0QTXTJAH6sToTNxzVa4btdRInV7KV9YvTWY2%2FUkjfRvc8%2Flm9SmSkWfVKb8TnY1Anmbp1kvN1uZCPgS%2BEz6NhDxf8Q%2BS9L4DGwqqeQokUsBA9iehIsnrd8%2F8kGM8zoMLqoevoEbtMzs7ScDcawlmy2cmqXiL0GrhS63bn2yGNaGWo%2Bb9ewsQS4wm0hlDjsspQQX8997ykZ5W7PxBBOKPBmQC9qW8qsR9rM8%2BD2kAZHT5pvNkN91hKfrBqwtBdjyYr1rs%3D|cksum%3A17431841393873d9e968ca044b808bd45bdb0b6a20ac|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2334524 I use one of these on my EQ5 pro goto I would think that should easily power it.
  19. For some higher objects you would either have to stand or have a good sized chair but as said before if you put a pair of rotation rings on you can spin the the scope so you can get the focuser in a better position. These rings can be made out of jubilee clips using a piece of mini electrical trunking the flat part that pushes on when you have put the cables in, put them on the outside of your scopes rings then you can loosen the bolts to your rings and the scope will spin to a position you can easily look through the focuser.
  20. I used contact adhesive when I got new foam for my eyepiece case worked a treat.
  21. I had a 200p on a EQ5 goto never had a problem with it I did have a Telrad on it and I had two rings so I could spin the tube so the focuser is in easier position to see into.
  22. The Leo Trio is one of the objects I have never seen from home with a 6" reflector a 8 " reflector and both my 4" and 5" refractors.
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