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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Well after some worry some days by myself and Dave (F15Rules) where he refunded me as this had not turned up after 6 full working days when it was posted first class signed for finally it turned up this morning just so glad it never got lost completely. I am now the proud owner of a Tal x2 Barlow immaculate condition. So grateful to Dave could not have done anymore appreciate everything he has done.
  2. Excellent that would be ideal for observing lists. Great idea I already have a clip on mount a wonder if I could use my binocular tripod somehow. What is yours made out of please.
  3. Update made two dew strips one in series using 8. 4.7ohm resistors and one in parallel with 11 330ohm resistors both getting warm but not overly warm.
  4. I used to have a 200p on the EQ5 mount never had a problem well once the EQ5 was fixed but after that it was brilliant hit every target.
  5. Brilliant these Fracs give a lot for the diameter of the lens and pin point stars great session here is to many more.
  6. Yes I have seen someone make a hook with the nichrome and hook the normal copper cable around it then soldering very similar to what you are describing thanks.
  7. I wondered why I was getting listings for razor wire 😆
  8. That is a good idea I do wear gloves and they seem to be warm enough at the moment.
  9. No I want it for a 5" Refractor. No I have never heard of that I will look into thanks. I already have 330ohm resistors which I am going to make a dew heater with in a ladder configuration.
  10. Do you know I clicked on 4.7ohm and this picture turned up unless they have different resistors for sale I will make sure I buy the correct ones.
  11. Mars is receding away from us now so is only small. M42 will show some nebulosity but the moon will wash out some. A moon filter will help. The 150p is a very capable scope it was my first one I saw many many objects with it. As previously said seeing and transparency will have a great deal of influence on what you see.
  12. Thank you everyone I really appreciate your help I will take pictures of my builds when I get new resistors. I may as well make both at the same time.
  13. So in series I would need much lower ohm resistors as per your previous reply 4.7ohm is that correct I could make two then and run them both off the dimmer switch I have. Would these resistors suffice.
  14. Hi David, It is for my Frac the Meade127 I was just trying get my calculations right I have made a ladder dew strip out of resistors 330ohm and have plenty left which I could use in series have you a link to anywhere that shows you how to build this I have heat shrink but not in one length I bought a pack of mixed ones so not sure if trying to join these together would work. Thanks Paul
  15. When I read that it didn't sound right it was in S&T but I think I would double that especially to get it just over ambient temperature. I bought this off the Internet I was told this was right by the company.
  16. R = 12²/3 (That’s 12 volts squared divided by 3 watts.)R = 48 ohms (Meaning we need a length of nichrome wire with resistance of 48 ohms if your objective/corrector is 8 inch and your power supply is 12V) Using this formula the length of wire I will need a 180 cm piece to aid connections as well does that sound correct please.
  17. set up at 9pm was going to do some sketching (well trying) aligned on Rigel here was a sight I use a zoom to align went down to the 8mm to centre it and a clear split I knew I was in for a good night. Next and this got me thinking why the handset would not give me anything in Leo nor would it give me Sirius had to settle on Dubhe. NGC 457 to check alignment way out had to drag it back in. Sirius way out again dragged it back in but no luck splitting it. Onto Monoceros NGC 2301 "Hagrids dragon" there he was wings spread out cracking sight. NGC 2264 "Christmas tree" more stars here than I have seen before just popping out everywhere. NGC 2352 "Avery`s Island" Nope my shed was in the way σ Sigma Orionis (SAO 1324 06) fine sight as Nick says (cotterless 45) lovely fish hook my sketch doesn't do it justice. ι iota Cancri (SAO 0804 16) this and another target are winter Albireo`s Sun like star with a royal blue companion just beautiful. M1 no not a hint I suspect the moon was washing it out as well as the Leo trio I tried later on. My nemesis Tegmine (SAO 0976 45) easily see the double in 15mm went down to 11mm no 8mm no 6mm and got a hint is that it I am thinking well put my 4.5mm TMB in x262 and yes there it is clearly split I was jumping for joy. β Mon (SAO 1333 17) This was much easier to split what a site though. Had a look at "La Superba" (SAO 0443 17) bright red/orange ember what a sight. As Sirius was higher now I went to the other "Winter Albireo" h3945 (SAO 1733 53) Lovely gold and blue here really lovely sight. Tried Iota Orionis knew it was in the wrong place as M42 was nearly in the middle of FOV with this being the first time I had tried this I wasnt sure which way to go so left it I didn't want to come in and ruin my adaptation. My final objects where the Leo trio as previously stated and one I have never seen from home M51 and I was disappointed again that is it I packed up at midnight.
  18. Brilliant I too was out last night and could not get the Leo trio maybe it was the moon.
  19. Download Greek keyboard then you can type it in Σ747 just like that.
  20. coloured_double_stars1.pdf Most Beautiful Double Stars.txt Double doubles.txt 12) Cambridge Double Star Atlas Showpieces.txt 160 doubles.xlsx
  21. Can someone let me know if these open please. 2019 Double Star List.pdf dblstar2.pdf Doubles32SAO.doc Double-Stars XXXXX.pdf 07_Observing_Double_Stars.pdf Double Stars in Cassiopeia.pdf
  22. "The Blue Snowball" is one of my favourite objects that is the only reason I noticed it.
  23. https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-equipment/choosing-your-telescopes-magnification/ Great article here explains everything at high power you really need good seeing and transparency as you found out using the barlow giving you a 5mm eyepiece if your scope has a focal length of 1000mm that would give you x200 magnification.
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