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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Peter, No I have the EQ5 on a EQ6 Tripod with adapter if I can get in any shape to go out anywhere dark site wise I have a battery box but this is not light. I am just thinking of a more portable mount I would keep my Tal 100rs and sell the 127mm if it is possible I would get a 6" reflector to go on it best of both worlds. Trying to think of stand alone mount not too heavy minimum set up and ease of use. Paul
  2. I have read a old thread about Ioptron and its foibles but that was from 2015, So what do people think about these mounts now as I am thinking of changing my kit probably next year this looks like a more portable setup for me. Thank you as always everyone. Paul
  3. Do what I do go for double and multiple stars and bright clusters/nebulas wait until you go to a dark site to see galaxies and more DSO`s. Double stars really have changed my viewing habits and I can get out there observing.
  4. I have very light polluted skies but on a good night and transparency I can see M13 through a pair of 10 x 42 binoculars, I have had amazing views of M13 through my 4" and 5" scopes most of the time its bad seeing and transparency. Much better when the moon is out the way M92 is another in Hercules that is a nice cluster not as big as M13 but easily spotted. Last week I had to use a Oiii filter on M57 to get it normally I can see it without any filters.
  5. Thank you both these look ideal I may get both and very compact should be very easy to transport.
  6. Thanks Alan, I am going to need one for a 4" and a 5" scope unless these work for them otherwise I am going need something else. Paul
  7. I have a battery box with 5.5 x 2.1 tip positive connectors for my dew strips and power to the mount. As many of you know I have some health issues and am considering changing my kit next year to a Ioptron AZ mount pro so I will only need to power the dew strips. I would like to get a small power bank but they all seem to come with USB connectors and my W&W astro dew strips say I need 12v are there alternatives to this either a cable adapter or can you you run the strips off less volts thanks.
  8. A warm welcome to SGL
  9. Already downloaded just need to print off what I need when I need.
  10. John, Have you ever tried the 125mm on double stars if so how good is it and how much does the OTA weigh please. Paul
  11. Brilliant Nick printing these out putting them in my observing folder.
  12. I have one of those absolutely murder to get back into the round shape then try and get it in the bag. Mines is in the shed now folded flat down the side of my stacking shelf I get it out every now and again cover my kit if there is a chance of a shower when I am set up. There is no groundsheet fitted so damp air can still rise inside.
  13. Yes Carole, I have been really low I have even been that low I've had suicidal thoughts I have and are having councilling. Paul
  14. Thanks Dave yes really struggling already had two collapsed discs went to pick up counter weights last week for a session and collapsed to the floor. In hospital for several hours to be told I have 2 more collapsed discs, I am supposed to be having a epidural but that is on hold now until I see the Orthopaedic surgeon, I did think about packing it all in or going for a smaller kit but that is a decision I will have to make when I have got all the information I need. Paul
  15. My son rang me said supposed to be clear tonight would you like to go out with your scope, yes please was my answer so I was thinking of what objects to go to that didn't have me up and down so I made a list. 8.30pm Son came put scope out on garden bench to cool and set my kit up levelled it and used a compass point it North. 9.45pm helped me out Polar aligned he put the weights on and then the scope got it balanced and now ready to go. You would think then next step is input all information into handset and star align first part yes second no a very good friend said go to a known star and centre that then do 1, 2 or 3 star align so we did. Capella centred it went into settings now 2 star align Arcturus then Vega then onto my list. Coma Bernice's 17 Com B (SAO 0823 30) Wide pair of white stars. ΟΣ 266 (SAO 1005 83) Hair split of white stars in my Vixen 10mm Barlowed in the Tal giving me X 236 2 Com B (SAO 0821 23) nice contrast here white with a lime companion. 24 Com B (SAO 1001 60) Another nice contrast Yellow with a blue companion. Σ1639 (SAO 0822 93) at 1.7° this is a fairly tight double giving a white and a lime companion. Σ 1685 (SAO 1003 07) Both stars looked the same to me off white stars. M53 A cracking Cluster. Canes Venatici "La Superba" although not a double this is a wonderful sight burning ember in the sky superb. 2 CVn (SAO 0440 97) Red star with just a speck next to it. Σ1645 (SAO 0440 97) Twin off white stars α CVn (Cor Caroli) (SAO 0632 57) Bright white star with a smaller green companion. 16-17 CVn (SAO 0633 80) Very wide white stars. Σ261 (0633 96) Twins Blue white stars. Σ 1755 (SAO 0635 93) Yellow with ice blue companion. M3 A cracking cluster. We then did a couple of old ones and one new one IC 4593 "White Eyed Pea" got this with averted vision I suspect it will be better with the moon out the way. M13 and M92. M92 looked brilliant M13 was a smudge not impressed at all. M57 I got this in my 15mm with my Oiii filter otherwise I wouldn't be able to see it. Then last the double double got this with my Vixen 10mm at x118. My son then helped me inside and packed everything away 2 hours and the first 15 objects I did not haver to move off my seat maybe for the clusters but not sure, I could not thank my son enough. A fair bit of pain today but I am in that anyway just to get out improved my mood.
  16. If you are using a keyboard press alt and 0176 this will give you a degree symbol I will have to check my Auriga notes to see if I have ever got some of those.
  17. I did exactly the same but found turning the OTA sometimes was jerky so went the trucking route, I still regret selling that scope
  18. A warm welcome to SGL, eyepieces are subjective people like different ones when I started I asked the same question as many do. Options join a Astronomy society and look through other people's eyepieces to see what you like. I see you have sent for Nirvana's not used them myself I went the BST route and for the money was really happy with my choice. Enjoy your scope and eyepieces and see how you get on the main thing is get out and look up. Best wishes Paul
  19. When I get out again and that could be tonight my son has said he will come over set my kit up for me and stay with me for a couple of hours then pack my kit away. Could not ask for more from him may try Eta Draco see how the 127mm performs.
  20. I too work to a budget a set of rings was to me too expensive so I went down the trunking route. £5.73 all in not as good as your solution or workmanship but it was good enough and slipped really well.
  21. I've heard very good reports about the 120 Ed just as a matter of interest how much does it weigh thanks Luke. Best wishes Paul
  22. Thanks John got a bad feeling its going to be months rather than weeks and may have to rethink my scopes especially the 5" being big and hefty. Paul
  23. Hopefully sooner rather than later get my health sorted out and maybe change my kit depending on what the orthopaedic surgeon says I must have a real good go at the moon looks a lot more interesting than I thought.
  24. Not been out because of health reasons not sure in my light polluted skies what is the lowest mag I could go down to. The SN in Cassiopeia I tried over a week ago I meant to check if I had seen it in stellarium. Some great objects there and I bet they look great in a 12".
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