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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. How much for one of those please. That would be perfect.
  2. I would love one of these making for my missing one.
  3. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  4. With Tal 100rs, Lunt Herschel Wedge a 6mm TMB and single polarising filter.
  5. Ade, It was a fellow SGL`er that made the centre bolt up I can find who it is if you want and pm his handle you could contact him make you one.
  6. I was sold this as a EQ6 tripod which suspiciously looks like your CG5 one I bought the adapter but had a devil of a job fitting it. I could not fit the nut with the thread inside but a kind gentleman on here made me this, so my setup looks like this after a bit of a tidy up.
  7. I thought that if the sun is out tomorrow I can try that at high power I will know if its soft again or not and then wait for a clear night Thursday after 12 into Friday is forecast to be clear so will give it a good test then.
  8. Took this with a Cheshire looks OK to me but I'm no expert I did the loosening the ring and tapping around the cell trick.
  9. Nice one Peter only a few miles up the road and I had clouds looked like they were rolling in from Warrington/Runcorn way 12.30am I had full cloud. I had planned on a few of those objects on my list I had already started with M13 and M92. There are a few there I am going to write down thank you for posting.
  10. Wow now that's some detail cracking images Stu.
  11. Bit of background the wife knocked this over 18 months ago as there seemed to be no damage I did not worry, After a couple of sessions out I noticed at higher power the view was softer I assumed bad seeing or transparency. I then did Solar again and noticed I could not get any granulation, as I had had the scope out I left it out hoping for a night session (cut short by clouds) when I went to Vega X125 to get alignment and de-focused I noticed what this drawing shows. I have had talks with a good friend on here (cotterless45) and John who said check using a laser without the diagonal and with a Cheshire here are the results what do more informed people think. I did try with the diagonal and that was out but not by a long way which I have now fixed Just waiting to do a star test now.
  12. I tried to get this before with a Oiii filter then with a palarising and Oiii filter but could not get it pin sharp. Great capture really nice image
  13. No that's the wife's solar lights around the Arch the other lights are houses at the back of me. To be fair the solar lights are not that bright and I turn them off just turned them back on just before took the picture. Obviously the ones in the background I cannot do anything about no wonder I cannot see M51 and the Leo Trio another reason I get really excited when I see something deep sky.
  14. Brilliant Nick going to copy a few of those. I myself was out doing Solar so left the kit out 10.30pm polar aligned came out about 11.10pm checked all good. Did the trick for alignment went to Vega. First M13 Bob on put 15mm in could not make out any individual stars same with M92, went to IC 4593 "White pea" sky was brighter so thought come back to that M56 next now this looked milky. Here is why cloud with more cloud building behind packed electrics up eyepieces then got son get scope and weight. Put the tripod and the mount in the shed see if I can get Solar again. Wife said what's up by this time was 12.30am full cloud. Really disappointed as it looked like my mount was going to hit every target.
  15. Brilliant going to try a few of those tonight got my list ready, I only wanted 10-15 objects I've now got 40 I don't think I will get through all them.
  16. My neighbour decided to have a barbecue then a open fire no idea what they where burning but it was going everywhere so I told my son don't bother setting up for me.
  17. Taken with Tal 100rs, lunt herschel wedge, 15mm BST Starguider and various combinations of polarising, UHC And Oiii filters
  18. wookie1965

    Morning all

    A warm welcome to SGL
  19. Not sure as not used it for a while but make sure it's set to your home position first mine said London I'm 200miles from there.
  20. Yes if you have sky safari you can connect to that it will open up so many other objects. I'm going try to get out tonight says clear from 12pm but I'm nipping out see if I can catch Venus and Mercury just after the sun goes down if I can get high enough to see the horizon.
  21. I got these couple of days back. Through my Tal 100rs lunt herschel wedge 25 and 15mm BST Starguiders with a galaxy S10.
  22. This is my LED light and the next is what they put on after I complained the first picture is what the light is like with this so called blocker on.
  23. Well you know what I have to put up with with my LED light outside my back yard and the weather has been awful this year. Went out do solar my handset was set for the 24th of April over 4 weeks since been out and the one good night had the big bulb in the sky to wash everything out.
  24. Would the oiii in conjunction with the polarising filter work, I have a new phone adapter just trying get used to using it.
  25. Yes Stu with the Tal and a single polarising filter just couldn't get my phone in the right place.
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