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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Great haul there some great targets. Lovely read thank you for posting.
  2. Hi where did you get that case from please one of those would reduce my 3 down to one thank you.
  3. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  4. It's 287g so with packaging not sure I would have to do that then weigh it again. PM me your address please I will take it to the post office and see how much it will cost tomorrow.
  5. It is 11" long and you can have it. I was sent it from a SGL member when I got a EQ6 Tripod but it didn't fit. All the best Paul
  6. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  7. Thick end looks to be M12 whereas the other end is just shy of M10 as you can see the spreader plate needs a tidy up.
  8. wookie1965

    Hi everyone!

    A warm welcome to SGL
  9. I have a bar in the shed spare I will get it out tomorrow take a picture and check the size see if it would be any use plus I have a spare spreader off a EQ5,HEQ5 mount.
  10. Doug I didn't want to say anything but I knew you would have kicked yourself if you had sold it I bought a ironing chair cut the legs down to the right height for me to put my feet flat on the floor I also bought one of these for when it's lower.
  11. That's it I thought when I wrote it that doesn't sound right I have been up since 3.30am after going bed at 12am my mind is not thinking straight.
  12. It's called PAE (periodic error alignment) it is in the handset user manual it does help, I have used it on a couple of objects at the beginning of my night and then everything is in the FOV your very welcome.
  13. I know that "johninderby" is correct because I have done it with my EQ5 mount on a EQ6tripod.
  14. Press escape then press and hold escape it will flash up centre object do that finish with right and up ( helps with backlash) then press enter your next object should be a lot closer.
  15. wookie1965

    Hi folks

    A warm welcome to SGL
  16. To be honest Mike I was warm it was just my feet thats with wearing heat holder socks 2.3 tog it was more the bending over all the time as you know clothes ride up and exposed my back to the cold. With having arthritis in my spine and two blown discs still waiting for a epidural I can only take so much pain. Hopefully losing weight and getting the epidural will help lost 3 stone up to now.
  17. Wow what a list I've never seen M65 and M66 from home so you have better skies than me. I got the Eskimo neb for the first time in my Tal no central star but I will try with my 5" next time.
  18. Great list and really enjoyed the read thanks for posting.
  19. My feet where freezing with - 4 no chance getting out in - 33 good report great objects there.
  20. I see blue/green tinge saw it better in the 8" I had but I do see it in my 5" Refractor but not as distinct.
  21. wookie1965

    Hello everyone

    A warm welcome to SGL
  22. A 8" is ideal they show lots of objects deep sky as long as you have dark skies but all the brighter objects are easily seen once found M42 will look bigger.
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