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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Peter drew is a pure gent he sorted my Meade 5" out someone had taken the objective out and put the glass in the wrong way Peter knew straight away once he looked through it at his artificial star. Changed the glass around looked through it again spot on and I've had amazing views since. So glad the Scope is fine that is the main thing.
  2. Brilliant I'm building a battery box and was looking for better connections rather than cigarette ones.
  3. I have just bought back a lunt herschel wedge from a very good friend to use on my Tal 100rs.
  4. May you both enjoy your retirement for many years you deserve it. I have had a few emails back and forth and Martin has been brilliant always helpful you will be missed. Hopefully we can catch up at a SGL meet in a sociable not formal environment.
  5. Any chance you can do one on taking pictures with a smartphone especially settings in Pro mode or is it better to use video.
  6. Congratulations will you still be doing your YouTube stints?
  7. Very interesting I still think it's very interesting no matter what she says the figures are very close and it's not like the age of the universe has not been updated over the last few years.
  8. I am simply aghast I had no idea this was going on and missed every one I am sure there were topics I would have been interested and others a definite watch😢😢😢
  9. I prefer M92 over M13 looks brilliant in my 5" Refractor
  10. Great report thanks for sharing.
  11. I was only reading about this star a few days ago aged the same or older than the universe itself obviously wrong but a very old star none the less.
  12. A warm welcome to SGL
  13. Just bought back this from a very good friend.
  14. I've just bought back the lunt solar wedge I sold to a great friend who has a ha scope now so cannot wait.
  15. Yes brilliant idea.
  16. There is a nice 10 inch goto dob for sale if I had the money I'd get that.
  17. Doug, It certainly is interesting and with light pollution it doesn't really matter you can still get out and split them. I think I have done a 1.1° split in very good seeing conditions I may get 1° but that would be exceptional. I'm pretty sure I am getting a new mount and then save for a Skymax 150 Pro if I have a windfall I may go for the 180 that should put me on par with your 8se I think. Paul
  18. Yes Doug I have both and usually use both to write my lists I missed those two don't know how. With them being I would say on the easier side not like 1.2° splits. Paul
  19. Great report had check then for those doubles in CrB looked in Haas wasnt there then looked in Cambridge double star and found them I will write them down for next time.
  20. I built my own out of an old tool box I am going to do it again with a smaller box but for the parts only cost me £20 at most.
  21. I have never seen M51 from my home or the Leo trio I have seen M1 with a 8" reflector but that was a rare occasion. M81 and M82 are fairly easy M31 much more so although I cannot see any detail. The ring nebula M57 is one of my absolute favorites as is the Blue snowball NGC 7662 all easily seen in my 4" and 5" refractors. I have changed my habits somewhat from home I go for double and multiple stars, carbon stars and clusters much easier from a light polluted skies.
  22. When I bought the adaptor plate the orange one it came with a bolt that has either 12mm with the other end threaded for 10mm or the opposite way around either way I think I can jig something up.
  23. A warm welcome to SGL I too would like to do a Astronomy course but my mathematics need a good brush up first.
  24. Download a app called synscannitt that gives you the correct information to enter in your handset. My EQ5 never hits the target I have found don't do alignment go to brightest star from the home position. I then do a star alignment 1 or 2 after that every object is in the FOV especially good for me as I go for double and multiple star's.
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