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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Great report we were all in the same place as you and you are definitely going to have many more wow moments, even now 9 years later I still get the wow when I view a new object.
  2. Brilliant report M57 the ring nebula is one of my favourites one of the first Messiers I got in a scope. Great read thanks for posting.
  3. Very interesting I just used mini electrical trunking and a jubilee making kit.
  4. I didn't know just wanted to help I had two sold one, reticule that is and my first one the Illuminator top just started spinning rather than turning off and on like this one.
  5. https://www.robtics.nl/en/finders/1274-robtics-illumation-unit-for-finders-crosshair-eyepieces.html
  6. Please see the Lounge for this report.
  7. How can the weather be totally different within such short of distance full cloud here 3 different lists ready to go and nothing. I will write that ΟΣ 341 down in my Hercules, Lyra list. I need to move house sounds like a great session Nick thanks for posting.
  8. John fantastic observation you must have some great sky's according to "Clear Ouside" I am bortle 6 sky's to be honest I don't even know what that means except its not very good. Despite looking with up to a 8" reflector from home I have never seen M51 or the Leo Trio never mind trying anything 13mag. I suppose it helps to have a experienced eye although I have been doing this since 2012 you would think I had honed my skills better now. Congratulations on seeing the SN I have not even been able to confirm the one in Cassiopeia which I think is mag 8 so you have done extremely well and I am so jealous. Hats off to you sir. Best wishes Paul
  9. I had a 200p with the EQ5 and to me that was a bit heavy for the mount I want something between 12" and 16" to get that I would need at least a EQ8 mega money. I have seen a Skywatcher 12" for £450 a Orion optics 12" for £770 and a Skywatcher 400p for £1695.
  10. I never even thought of push to system that looks very easy now to save and get a dob and kit brilliant thank you everyone.
  11. How hard would it be to install a synscan goto system on a dob, I have seen quite a few dobs for sale and was thinking of buying one then installing a goto system. I am lousy at star hoping that is the reason I bought my EQ5 and sold my EQ3-2.
  12. How hard would it be to install a synscan goto system on a dob, I have seen quite a few dobs for sale and was thinking of buying one then installing a goto system. I am lousy at star hoping that is the reason I bought my EQ5 and sold my EQ3-2.
  13. Well plenty of people viewing M51 from home I have tried with several scopes and never spotted it maybe I need a big dob. Congratulations nice report.
  14. Absolutely brilliant from home after several years I have never seen M51 and the Leo trio I am so Jealous.
  15. Wow brilliant hoping come winter I have two dark sky sites go to within a 40 minute drive Bortle 4 skies so looking forward to seeing what DSO`s I can catch.
  16. +1 for Pixies suggestion I have to wear glasses to set up and look through my Telrad to line things up but look through eyepiece without so I use a cord much easier.
  17. Oh yes I love NGC457 and the ring nebula I look at NGC457 every time I go out and the double cluster NGC869 and NGC884.
  18. Nice report there are many objects out there to thrill you I find something new nearly every time to wow me.
  19. Wow what a night Nick I am so jealous of you getting those galaxies maybe when I get to a darker site than here I can get them. I am overjoyed that my sketch of μ Bootis matches yours so I am certain I got it. I am going to copy those NGC`s down for future reference, thank you for posting.
  20. Varying Cloud here last night I did not set up wasnt worth it to dodge in and out.
  21. Thanks John just wonder from my home whether or not I could glimpse it with my 5".
  22. Great to see you back and your very detailed reports I have O'Meara's "The Secret Deep", "The Messier Objects" and a very good friend sent me "The Caldwell Objects" all very good books I must get the rest of the collection.
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