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Hello from Bristol!


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Hello everyone, I've been reading threads on this forum for a couple of weeks now and just love the amount of knowledge everyone has to share. I am in Bristol I have a moderate light pollution here worst being on the south skies.

This is the first time I have bought a scope and just hope for clear skies!

A little incident that happened with me since I got my telescope: The skies cleared up and I thought that maybe it might be clear for a bit so feeling optimistic grab the gear to take outside..got the tripod...then the counter weights...grab the scope..and what happens?? THE CLOUDS ROLL IN!! Well disappointed since I've had the telescope haven't had a chance to use it..:)

Well thats enough of the rant from me looking forward to clear skies and learning all I can from all you experts:hello2:

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Hi Imran and welcome to SGL :mad:

I'm from Portishead - just SW of Bristol and my light pollution comes from Wales and Bristol. Still manage to get some nice views from time to time though.

Clouds are an occupational hazard for astronomers in the UK I'm afraid - especially when new equipment arrives :)

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Hi there and a warm welcome:) I used to live in Bristol pretty bad for light pollution there but lots of places to get off in the car and observe from. I had to wait for weeks until I could use my 200p when I got it. The clouds know when you buy new gear and plan there attack! Your going to have a lot of fun with that new scope:D

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