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Everything posted by Paxo

  1. Thanks everyone, certainly interesting delving into processing in the SHO pallet which is very new to me. Steve
  2. I've added OIII and SII data to the Ha posted a couple of weeks ago. This is my first Hubble Pallet image. The SII data was faint and noisy so this took a lot of processing in Pixinsight. Thanks for looking. Steve
  3. While waiting for the NE England night to get darker and longer, I've been acquiring data from the iTelescope remote imaging system. This gives a chance to image objects not visible from Northern latitudes, so I decided to go for a widefield image of rthe Small Magellenic Cloud. The Image below was acquired over two nights, 25th July and 31st July Using the iTelescope remote telescope (T08) at Sliding Spring Observatory, Australia. This is a Takahashi FSQ 106 EDX4 modified Petzval telescope mounted on a Paramount PME. The imaging camera is an FLI Microline 16803 which has 9micron pixels at a resolution of 4096x4096 pixels. FSQ 106 EDX4 has a focal length of 530mm and a focal ratio of f5. A total of 48 x 3 minute exposures were made, 12 each of Luminance, Red, Green and Blue, giving a total exposure of 144 minutes. Final image processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop. The image shown here is a rework of the data having found some really useful Pixinsight tutorials on-line. Out of interest, as a member of iTelescope, they make data sets available twicw a month, they currently have NGC292 available with additional NB data, so that will be my next port of call I think. Thanks for looking. Steve
  4. Nearly 3 years since my last image, what with Covid and work and such. IC1396 is a regular target for me, fits nicely in the frame with the Takahashi FSQ 106EDX4 and the Kodak KAI-11002 sensor in my imaging train. So heres 10 images, taken in Ha, each of 600 seconds duration. Stacked and processed in Pixinsight and "tweaked" in photos. Compared with previous attampts, the dark dust lanes have come out very well, and I think I've managed to keep the star bloating to a minimum. Thanks for looking Steve
  5. A lot of cloud on Tyneside today, but managed to get a few images between the clouds. Image taken with a Lunt Cak module attached to a SharpStar 94EDPH. Kept shooting length down to 15 seconds at 50fps to avoid movement. I think the one outstanding detail of the day is the visible undulations at the moons edge. Monochrome Version: And a colour tinted version: Thanks for looking. Steve
  6. It was a 7nm Baader 2" mounted filter. Steve
  7. IC1396 region, which contains the Elephant''s Trunk Nebula taken in Hydrogen Alpha wavelength. Image consists of 12x1200 seconds subs giving a total exposure time of 240 minutes. Imaged with a SXVR-H36 camera through a Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 f/5 Quadruplet mounted on a Paramount MX+. Quick process with DSS and tweaked in Photoshop CS. Thanks for looking, Steve
  8. Thanks Martin, first image for nearly two years. Steve
  9. A quick couple of hours gathering data this evening around the constellation of Cygnus. A two panel mosaic covering the area around Sadr through to the Crescent Nebula (NGC6888) in Hydrogen Alpha wavelength. Both panels consist of 6x600 seconds of Ha imaged on an SXVR-H36 camera through a Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 @ f/5 all mounted on a Paramount MX+. Processed through Astro Pixel Processor and tweaked in Photoshop. Thanks for looking. Steve
  10. Did a quick and dirty solar full face earlier today, equipment information below the image. Seemed to be a little more surface activity today compared with recent times. Mount: Skywatcher SolarQuest Telescope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT Camera: ZWO ASI 178MM USB 3.0 Mono Camera Capture rate: 3096×2020 @ 16bit Mono Stacked: AutoStakkert 3 Frames: AVI file 250 from 1000 frames Processed: Photoshop CC Thanks for looking, Steve
  11. Hi Rich, a very warm welcome to SGL. Steve
  12. One thing to bear in mind is the size of the sensor in the a6300. Typically the Lunt 60mm scopes come with a b1200 blocking filter, the size of which will affects the signal to the outer parts of such a large (c sized I believe) sensor. I get a full solar face with a 7.4x5mm with the focal length of the Lunt 60mm so expect a fair bit of unused area (which will negate the blocking filter issue anyway). Steve
  13. Taking a look at heliovewer.org there are a couple of more active areas at the moment which are just about visible in Ha, there's some debate as to whether the cycles of bottomed out and we may/may not have started sunspot cycle 25 or not. Steve
  14. Managed a quick and dirty image this afternoon between meetings. A little interesting detail on the face today, though not much prom action at 13:30. Imaging and processing details below the image. Mount: Skywatcher SolarQuest Telescope: Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT Camera: ZWO ASI 178MM USB 3.0 Mono Camera Capture rate: 3096×2020 @ 16bit Mono Stacked: AutoStakkert 3 Frames: AVI file 250 from 1000 frames Processed: Photoshop CC Thanks for looking, Steve
  15. Managed to get my dream setup last year, Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 f/5 Quadruplet Petzval APO Refractor, mounted on a Paramount MX+. Pictures show this mounted along with a Pentax 75 in a dual mount configuration (though I no longer own the Pentax) all in my cosy roll-off-roof obsy. Next image shows a Lunt LS60THa mounted on a Skywatcher SolarQuest Mount
  16. Paxo


    From the album: Astrophotos

  17. Paxo


    Astro-Imaging from home and the occasional star party
  18. Paxo


    From the album: Astrophotos

  19. Paxo


    From the album: Astrophotos

  20. Paxo


    From the album: Astrophotos

  21. Paxo


    From the album: Astrophotos

  22. Paxo


    From the album: Astrophotos

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