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What are your astro plans for 2022?


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I would like to equal or overtake last year's imaging of our closet star. I managed 185 day's. I'm still tweaking the solar RoR that I've set up this autumn. Eventually triple mounting the scopes like I had in the dome. The dome is now fully operational having installed a new Eq8 R pro mount head with the 12inch f4 Newtonian. It's a pig to collimate but just needs star testing and we're all good to go if we ever get some clear nights. 

I've found daytime and my solar scopes used far more than my night time kit. So in 2022 it'll be nice to think I've used the new kit in the dome as much as the solar. Also doing some DSO imaging and in the autumn planetary imaging as Saturn, Jupiter and Mars will be good from the domes location. I'd also like to start spectroscopy. 

With solar I'd like to add to the imaging real time counting of solar activity to help with the BAA's solar section reports on solar sunspot and group counting. 

Well that's my plans.

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My astronomical aims for 2022 are:

- To make much more use of the equipment that I now have: it has all got to start "earning it's keep" I feel, or ...... see last aim !

- To use the facilities at my society observatory more often, especially the 18 inch scope there.

- To try and get together with others to observe more often as it hopefully becomes more feasible to do so.

- To share the observing experience with as many people as possible who have little or no experience of looking through a telescope.

- Depending on how the first of these aims goes, to reduce my equipment level to what really gets regularly used.





Edited by John
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Although a N00b to AP, I've decided that travelling to dark sky locations (max bortle 3) when the forecast is clear is the way to go, which means a lightweight but accurate rig, a 70mm scope and a DSLR.

Don't plan on buying new gear but using what I currently have to its maximum potential. 


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3 hours ago, Swoop1 said:

To actually do some observing and imaging.

The tail end of this year has been disrupted either by bad weather or lack of time/ inclination.

Totally agree. I bet i've only had 10 sessions this year, and nothing since October at all.

And if it is clear for a bit, sods law, i'm often at work (i work alternate AMs / PMs)

With that in mind, i'm going to drop down to 2 scopes.

I can't justify having 2 expensive refractors that hardly get used, so will be selling my 105/650 in the new year.

Don't get me wrong, i still love the hobby, and am as enthusiastic as ever. But i can't justify the amount of money i have tied up in it.

My TEC is my primary scope, the scope i always reach for first, and i'm proud to own it. Its my retirement scope (for when i retire ! ) and i plan on keeping it long term.

My 10" OO is a recent second hand purchase, and its hardly been out at all, and not even made it out to my local dark site yet.

Mount wise : i may end up selling my American Discmounts and look at an AZ100 now the motorization of it is happening soon. But not 100% sure yet.

I'm also looking at an EQ mount to do some imaging with the TEC long term. But with our weather and my light pollution, i need to be realistic and won't be breaking the bank.

I'm also planning on attending a few lectures at my local astro society, maybe even rejoining them, and also attending some observing meets with our astro group (East Mids stargazers)

And hopefully visit a trade show or two next year !!

At the end of the day, it would just be nice to get out and do some astronomy in the first place. These last few weeks here have just been abysmal.



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18 minutes ago, John said:

My astronomical aims for 2022 are:

- To make much more use of the equipment that I now have: it has all got to start "earning it's keep" I feel, or ...... see last aim !

- To use the facilities at my society observatory more often, especially the 18 inch scope there.

- To try and get together with others to observe more often as it hopefully becomes more feasible to do so.

- To share the observing experience with as many people as possible who have little or no experience of looking through a telescope.

- Depending on how the first of these aims goes, to reduce my equipment level to what really gets regularly used.





I've just thought of another one:

- Make more of this forum in terms of continuing to learn and making useful input to help others :smiley:

I think I can do better at this than I have over the past 6 months or so.

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48 minutes ago, Space Hopper said:

Don't get me wrong, i still love the hobby, and am as enthusiastic as ever. But i can't justify the amount of money i have tied up in it.

There are other objects I want to view which require different scopes. But given the cloud cover impossible to justify a purchase to my self.
I know that even if the weather turns good it will be months before any scope turns up....
No real answer,  just buy second hand scopes so not so much money invested in astro gear???

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15 minutes ago, Deadlake said:

There are other objects I want to view which require different scopes. But given the cloud cover impossible to justify a purchase to my self.
I know that even if the weather turns good it will be months before any scope turns up....
No real answer,  just buy second hand scopes so not so much money invested in astro gear???

Yep, all my expensive scopes are second hand. 

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57 minutes ago, tomato said:

If the UK weather in 2022 continues to be as unfavourable for astronomy as it was in 2021, I can see my enthusiasm for remote imaging growing and hence could make some plans to move into this.

100% agree.  It is frankly obscene the amount of money tied up in expensive imaging gear I have at home that I can hardly ever use.  

I have a friend - an old work buddy - who moved out to Spain and retired early, inland a bit from Malaga (for similar reasons, a hatred of the UK climate) and I have made overtures to him - which he is receptive to - of moving my imaging gear there.  I will think about this in the coming year because the current situation of AP in the UK is hopeless.

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Having recently sold quite a bit of gear which was my foray into imaging and used that money to improve my visual equipment, I don't have any plans to shed equipment unlike a few on here.

So it will come as no surprise my aim is to do more visual this year as follows.

  1. Do more double star, asterism or other unusual star related objects.
  2. Also get out to dark sky sites more often and at the same time try to find a better option than my existing one. (current one is dark, but too exposed)
  3. Hunt down more really difficult objects such as quasars/super distant galaxy clusters etc.
  4. Attend more star parties, they really are good fun.
  5. Refurb my recently acquired 60/700 prinz astral and turn it into a really pimped up, instant grab and go. (This will be shown in the DIY section later)
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2 hours ago, John said:

- To use the facilities at my society observatory more often, especially the 18 inch scope there.

That sounds like a great opportunity John - perhaps an observing report or two from the 18”? 🙂

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Great collection of astro plans for 2022 (are these actual New Year resolutions?).

I've got quite a list myself, it's going to be a busy year for me.

Not being very decisive, I appear to have aquired a collection of scopes and accessories over the last year or so and I know some people have and use multiple scopes, but I need to downsize a little. I will be keeping three. A small refractor for travel, a 3" grab n go for quickies and my main scope which will be either a 4" ED or maybe something with a little bit more aperture.

Getting the right scope is my priority, but second on the list is finding somewhere proper to live. Don't really care where or what, but must have a South'ish facing garden overlooking fields or woodland. I've had a year or so in a 3rd storey flat with only a balcony to observe from, far from ideal. I used to keep my scopes over at my dads house, the family home, and my late father enjoyed that because it was a good opportunity for us to spend time together and of course he had a large back garden.

Third on my list, once I've found the right scope and somewhere to put it, is to get out and use it. I know the weather has not been kind and it may be something to do with getting older myself, but I seem to be under the impression that when I was younger there were a lot more clear skies, more observing opportunities.

Fourth on my list is to get out to proper dark skies more often. I've sourced a couple of small out of the way campsites that are open all year round and when or if, the forecast is clear on the weekends I will be heading out Bear Grylls style.

Fifth and final, for now, is to fathom out how to use my Baader Microguide eyepiece properly, in measuring the seperation and postion angle of double stars.😀


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It’s going to be the best year for solar activity for some time. The first two years of Cycle 25 have exceeded expectations and we have lots to look forward to as activity continues to increase. Even a small refractor and some Baader solar film will produce great detail around sunspots. Hydrogen alpha scopes will open up much more - filaments, active regions and prominences in the solar chromosphere. If conditions for night astronomy are difficult, solar provides regular opportunities to get out and observe or image. 

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I’d like to do more visual observing alongside my CDD variable star work. Mars should be good.

id like to try out a new site with good horizons that’s a short drive away. There’s nothing like a wide expanse of sky, which I don’t get from the home obsy.

I aim  to buy no more astro kit. But this doesn’t include eyepieces.

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20 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

I aim  to buy no more astro kit. But this doesn’t include eyepieces.

I knew there was a But coming... 🤣

I seem to have nearly come to the end of my buying too. I just need a couple of filters and adapters for astrophotography, and maybe one more eyepiece.

Edited by Ags
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Some interesting plans there. I think I will add more some solar observing to my list - my Herschel wedge plus binoviewers plus 4” APO gave amazing views during the summer, would like to try some sketching.  


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4 hours ago, John said:

I think I can do better at this than I have over the past 6 months or so.

Nonsense. You are, amongst many others,  SGL's font of astro-knowledge. I have seen your excellent eyepiece reviews referenced time and time again, both on here and over on CN.👍

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34 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

I’d like to do more visual observing alongside my CDD variable star work. Mars should be good.

id like to try out a new site with good horizons that’s a short drive away. There’s nothing like a wide expanse of sky, which I don’t get from the home obsy.

I aim  to buy no more astro kit. But this doesn’t include eyepieces.

Your in Cheshire mate, get yourself to Wales, super dark skies in some areas. Just south of welshpool looks good

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On 28/12/2021 at 12:49, DaveS said:

No plans at all for astronomy in 2022, think it's become a waste of time.

Sad to hear and at times my sentiments entirely, but I am hoping it will be a better year in 2022 and will give it another go.
Perhaps the only way to get any worthwhile data for imaging in the UK is to have an automated Obsy, so I need no more spend on my rig but maybe that would be my last outlay in the quest for some decent data 🙂 


Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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2 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

Having recently sold quite a bit of gear which was my foray into imaging and used that money to improve my visual equipment, I don't have any plans to shed equipment unlike a few on here.

So it will come as no surprise my aim is to do more visual this year as follows.

  1. Do more double star, asterism or other unusual star related objects.
  2. Also get out to dark sky sites more often and at the same time try to find a better option than my existing one. (current one is dark, but too exposed)
  3. Hunt down more really difficult objects such as quasars/super distant galaxy clusters etc.
  4. Attend more star parties, they really are good fun.
  5. Refurb my recently acquired 60/700 prinz astral and turn it into a really pimped up, instant grab and go. (This will be shown in the DIY section later)

I still want to try to get some good data for my AP but I really agree that I want to attend some star parties, t tried 3 times in last 2 years to do so but flooded out the first time and Covid put an end to the other two so here's hoping.
 Maybe we can get to the same one on 2022 ?



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I’ll be putting together some more targets and seeing if it is worthwhile me putting them into Sky Safari.

I also plan to add more stuff to my blog. It’s been a lot of work to get the Collimation page right but the clouds have helped in that respect.

I don’t plan on getting any more kit apart from a focuser slow motion add on.

Oh and in the unlikely event of the clouds parting, I will reacquaint myself with my Dobsonian.

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I would like to do more astronomy with my kids in 2022, I feel they're at a good age for it now and If it sparks something great, if not fair enough :)

Also, I should really continue my mirror grind project that has been shelved for a about 3 years so far!... :D 

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