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Will it stay clear?


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Clear-ish here. Some cloud encroaching but enough clear patches to make it worth having a scope out.

Mostly a binary star session I suspect with some planetary later if the cloud cover allows.

Seeing seems steady up to 300x or so with the ED120.

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It didn't for me :(

I had delusions of actually firstlighting (new word) my new ASI071 camera.

Maybe for the best. After 18 days leave I'm back to the grindstone at early o'clock in the morning.

It does seem very odd though, full Moon but not clear! I blame climate change....

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1 hour ago, John said:

And here ...... :rolleyes2:


Clear again now - glad I kept the scope out !

Saturn and Jupiter looking splendid. 5/6 cloud belts on Jupiter plus GRS on the central meridian just now. Good colour in the equatorial belts too - sort of rust / red contrasting with paler tones of the more northerly and southerly belts.

Nice :thumbright:

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20 minutes ago, Mike73 said:

As from today I have 3 weeks off work and have clear skies right now and its looking great for the next week.....I'm seriously so happy right now!!! 🥳


Really happy for you Mike, good luck, I had clear skies until an hour ago so I've just had first light with my Asiair pro woohooooo, after 7 long weeks, I know its near full moon but I didn't care, got my PA done in 7 mins so ok for first attempt, guiding down to 1.76 and also first attempt at dithering at 10px, as my dslr has pixel size of 4,had a play on ngc 7000 even though full moon 32x120 sec lights at 800iso, all on my sw 72ed AzGti, will check images moro, done flats, bias and dark flats indoors, don't bother with darks as don't make any difference to my Canon 600D, so just wanted to share with you my excitement of finally do some sort or astronomy /astrophotography again 😊, looking clear for a few nights this week 



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Clear for several hours here as per forecast, starting to get some cloud coming over now. Been out with the Mak, looking at Jupiter (+4 moons) and Saturn (+Titan and Rhea).  Looks like Ganymede was the one very close to the limb.

More clear nights forecast this week. If only that big, bright thing would stay away.

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Looking abysmal here, sadly. I haven't yet set up the imaging rig because it keeps being awful here. Every clear night has been a full moon or started so late I'm not able to take advantage. Definitely need to sort the observatory out to take advantage of the inevitable 1am-4am imaging windows that I'm seeing so often.

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Good forecast for the rest of the week up here in Cumbria. Unfortunately I need to set off for work @5:30am every morning this week. If I get up at 4am thats enough time to get my flats done, strip the rig down, shower & couple of coffees.

I'm hoping to get a good few hours on the whole Cygnus Loop with the Samyang 135 f2 & although i've used the Optolong L-eXtreme to great effect on collecting Ha & OIII on IC1396 it'll be interesting to see how well it performs under a waning gibbous Moon.


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I set up last night, got PAed on both setups and then I swear I looked away for a second, and when I looked back there was 100% cloud cover. Forecasts said - no clouds at 1am.. so ok.. went to bed, set alarm.. got up at 1am and cloud was so thick you couldn't even see the moon.

Tonight, its saying its clear again.. so again.. set stuff up... I have also got some new virgin chickens from aldi as I reckon the lack of a sacrifice last night was the reason.


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31 minutes ago, powerlord said:

I set up last night, got PAed on both setups and then I swear I looked away for a second, and when I looked back there was 100% cloud cover. Forecasts said - no clouds at 1am.. so ok.. went to bed, set alarm.. got up at 1am and cloud was so thick you couldn't even see the moon.

Tonight, its saying its clear again.. so again.. set stuff up... I have also got some new virgin chickens from aldi as I reckon the lack of a sacrifice last night was the reason.


“…new virgin chickens from aldi…”

- hehehe! That gave me a good chuckle. 

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It was clear enough for me to get within  a gnat of sorting focus on my charity shop 135mm lens and Baader varilock extension tube but, as I tightened the lock ring and therefore slightly shifted focus so that I had to return to fiddling, the clouds rolled in and Vega disappeared.

I shall wait a bit to see what happens but I'm not hopeful.  

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