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The Curse of the Outside Light


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With some Astro dark sky now back in  my location I attempted to start my M31 mosaic project last night. The galaxy is of course still low in the East right now and I was having the usual problems trying to get all the gear communicating with SGP when I noticed that the interior of the dome was a lot brighter than normal. Sure enough one of my back garden neighbours had installed a big floodlight in their back garden shining right into the dome when looking East, aargh! 
Given the tribulations I was having, for a brief moment an image of ‘Entire imaging rig for sale’ in the SGL classifieds flew through my head, but I came to my senses and persevered. I’m pleased to say I got the rig working and captured some subs, and even better the neighbour’s light went off around 11:30 so all is well with the world once again.😎

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I had a similar problem with a neighbour’s back door light blinding my western view.  Fortunately I get on reasonably well with them, and he explained he had put the light up to illuminate his garden path for putting his chickens to bed at night!  He subsequently put a timer on it that switches it off at 10.30, and I put up a lightweight screen made of gardening moisture membrane to blot the light out if I am pointing the scope that way before then.  Compromise of sorts.

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This is what I have to contend with only its local council so nothing I can do, I did ask for a shield to be put up and they did this is the result so the shield was a waste of space.




Edited by wookie1965
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Mine is an LED floodlight on the end of my next door neighbor, the fire department!

It comes on at dusk and goes off at dawn.

Talked to them, got two out of three shielded, but this one is the worst of them.

They claim they need it for safety.

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In the light of day the floodlight is no big deal, it is on  bungalow so it is low down, it won't  be an issue when the targets are higher in the sky, and I don't think it will be on all night. My discovery of it just caught me at a low point when SGP wasn't co-operating very well, but that was partly my fault as I had made quite a few changes and not checked them out in the daylight, no excuse really.

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On 09/08/2020 at 14:21, wookie1965 said:

This is what I have to contend with only its local council so nothing I can do, I did ask for a shield to be put up and they did this is the result so the shield was a waste of space.




And may I introduce you to Mr Stove Paint! :D 

Being honest, that's damned horrendous. Not sure if the introduction is a good idea though, especially if you've complained about it: besides vandalism isn't a good thing.

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10 hours ago, reezeh said:

And may I introduce you to Mr Stove Paint! :D 

Being honest, that's damned horrendous. Not sure if the introduction is a good idea though, especially if you've complained about it: besides vandalism isn't a good thing.

To be honest I posted to see if anyone had any advice (Nothing illegal) 😀 

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I would erect a screen in your garden to shield the light. I have done something like this to shield next doors light and it helps.


11 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

To be honest I posted to see if anyone had any advice (Nothing illegal) 😀 

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Try the local authority again. Tell them you appreciate the work they did to try and remedy it but explain that it hasn't worked. Perhaps send them the images? I had a revist from my authority to obne of th elamps I asked them to deal with.

Shrouds for street lamps tend to be designed to benefit houses directly adjacent, not those off at a diagonal.

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Total nightmare! Reminds me off where i grew up and had that type of nonsense shining in through our bedrooms. Despite reasoned agruments put to the council by my parents, nothing was done. So being young and foolish ( all those years ago) we discovered how accurate catapults can be! In time the post was moved further away and all the neighbours were happier. I agree with Starwatcher2001 though above- good idea.


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They are quite legal and two or more are considered a hedge and so long as youu keep them trimmed to a reasonable height should be no problem. It’s when they are left to keep on growing and never trimmed that is the cause of many neighbour disputes.

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14 hours ago, DaveL59 said:

ahh to win big on the lottery and the  move somewhere you'd have control of lighting...


Tho sea mist and weather would likely still be problematic but  what a location 🙂 

I saw that and did think about astronomy, but they're not far offshore and there's an awful lot of LP from the north.  Two of them are actually further north than the Isle of Wight I think.  Not sure about the location of the third.  I decided to keep my wallet in my pocket in the end.


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On 12/08/2020 at 13:23, Swoop1 said:

Try the local authority again. Tell them you appreciate the work they did to try and remedy it but explain that it hasn't worked. Perhaps send them the images? I had a revist from my authority to obne of th elamps I asked them to deal with.

I have the impression that images from a bedroom lit up by the light can be helpful in making one's case.  I don't think fiercely bright street lamps interfering with peoples' sleep is considered a good thing.  I admit I know little about this though.  Any street lighting around here would probably get mown down by a farmer's hedge flail before very long.  Pretty much everything else is.


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15 hours ago, DaveL59 said:

ahh to win big on the lottery and the  move somewhere you'd have control of lighting...


Tho sea mist and weather would likely still be problematic but  what a location 🙂 

Been to Spitbank Fort before it was converted into a hotel. Interesting place and bigger than you expect. 🙂

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On 12/08/2020 at 13:23, Swoop1 said:



On 12/08/2020 at 13:23, Swoop1 said:

Try the local authority again. Tell them you appreciate the work they did to try and remedy it but explain that it hasn't worked. Perhaps send them the images? I had a revist from my authority to obne of th elamps I asked them to deal with.

Shrouds for street lamps tend to be designed to benefit houses directly adjacent, not those off at a diagonal.


On 17/08/2020 at 13:19, Starwatcher2001 said:

I agree with Swoop1, and you might also highlight the benefits of having an amateur astronomer outside during the night, keeping a quiet and watchful eye on the neighbourhood. That's also a good card to play with neighbours who are worried about security.


On 17/08/2020 at 17:34, Slingshot said:

Total nightmare! Reminds me off where i grew up and had that type of nonsense shining in through our bedrooms. Despite reasoned agruments put to the council by my parents, nothing was done. So being young and foolish ( all those years ago) we discovered how accurate catapults can be! In time the post was moved further away and all the neighbours were happier. I agree with Starwatcher2001 though above- good idea.


I did try the council again I got a surly bloke who said as long as the light does not shine on the second floor they will do nothing. 

I then wrote to my elected councillor who said he would look into it and never got back to me.

The yard is all flagged supposed to be a carport for the property so no chance of planting any trees no soil just clay any way, we have flowers in pots because of that apart from a couple of roses on the front.

That picture is from the bed room we have had to buy blackout blinds its ridiculous.





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Wind (meteorological :) ) woke me up last night. Looking out the window I saw 4 or 5 bright security lights flashing on and off in neighbours’ back gardens as the motion sensors were set off due to things blowing about in the wind. 

My back garden here in Oxfordshire only faces onto 6 or 7 back gardens, not a road thankfully.   Until recent years this had been quite good because I have no direct line of sight of any street lights. But in the last year or so many of these gardens have now been floodlit with security lights.   And those that don’t have security lights have these solar powered lights distributed on fences and trees.  It’s got silly. 

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7 minutes ago, Ouroboros said:

Wind (meteorological :) ) woke me up last night. Looking out the window I saw 4 or 5 bright security lights flashing on and off in neighbours’ back gardens as the motion sensors were set off due to things blowing about in the wind. 

My back garden here in Oxfordshire only faces onto 6 or 7 back gardens, not a road thankfully.   Until recent years this had been quite good because I have no direct line of sight of any street lights. But in the last year or so many of these gardens have now been floodlit with security lights.   And those that don’t have security lights have these solar powered lights distributed on fences and trees.  It’s got silly. 

Yeah my next door neighbours have 4 security lights which were all going off last night. I live in a semi detached so there's not really any escaping them in my garden.

A house 2 doors down from me has a security light so bright it lights up trees at the bottom of their garden so brightly you'd think it was daylight. I really dont get the appeal, at all.

Its become trendy to adorn your property with LED lighting. I hate it but sadly think it'll only get worse.

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Yes. I’ve discussed this once or twice with people and I sense that they don’t really see the problem. The majority of people think it perfectly normal to want to banish darkness and light up the night. And you’re right I think. The problem is only ever going to get worse.  

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I had a very good experience with a neighbour, a GP surgery who had a light on until late, I called and asked them if they would switch it off after 6pm, they changed it to a PIR light and it very rarely activates, and when it does it's for 20 seconds or so. 

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My neighbour has a BRIGHT White LED "PIR" that shines straight across my garden. 
He basically uses it as a "courtesy light", while he's angle grinding etc. to all hours. 🙄

Worst thing, it "detected" me via PIR every time I went to and from the observatory!
He *knows* I do Astronomy... "Let me know if it irritates you", he smiled sweetly... 
Little does he know I eventually sneaked in and angled the PIR detector downwards.
Mr. DIY [and more] "expert" ain't quite as clever (observant) as he thinks he is... 😛

P.S. HE is a PR*T! But I do "keep in" with them. His wife is very KIND & genuine.
She has "looked after me" when I needed essential shopping... provided PPI etc. 
I have learned it's best to "keep in" with neighbours! But stay one step ahead?  😇

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