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Complete beginner with first telescope

Patrick Bateman

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Working from home can see unnecessary cash leaving the bank due to boredom- I finally decided to buy a telescope (Skywatcher Heritage 150P) after always having half-baked intentions.

Due to arrive in the next day or two so looking forward to using it when the weather improves.

I've no doubt I'll end up mining the forum for plenty of tips and advice.

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welcome aboard, Patrick. Hopefully you'll get to enjoy the new scope when it arrives and discover the wonders up in the night sky :) 

Know what you mean on the buying front, I ended up with a lot of binoculars collected in a period between jobs then went down the next rabbit-hole and started buying scopes lol

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A warm welcome to SGL. 

Dont be afraid to ask any questions there is always help on here, 

I think you will have  a 6" scope so you are going to have a lot of fun with it one thing don't think you will see galaxies like you do in magazines and books you won't only see them in black and white and mostly just fuzzies. Unless you are in a dark site go for clusters plenty of them and different coloured stars. 

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2 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

I finally decided to buy a telescope (Skywatcher Heritage 150P) after always having half-baked intentions.

Welcome Patrick. Looks like all us newbies are buying thr heritage 150p 😊👍

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

Scope arrived on Tuesday and of course this has been one of the cloudiest weeks in ages round here.

The secondary mirror has a couple of marks on it, what is the best way to remove these? I don't think they seem noticeable through the eyepiece but will get a better chance to judge when I can use the scope properly.

Don't want to try and remove them and end up making things worse if they don't actually detract from viewing.




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