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I ordered a Hyperion zoom over the weekend and it arrived today safe and sound and no problems. It was odd I couldn't pay via paypal but that's probably a blessing.

More thumbs up from me.

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I placed my first order on monday at 2pm for my first dob a skywatcher 150p and despite saying there were none in stock and would have to wait the following week to receive it,I got a call from my wife the following morning at 11am saying I had a massive package waiting for me at home what a service!

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I had my first dealings with the now famous (on here anyway) FLO.

After my disaster with the mug of coffee the other night I decided to shelve the home made goto and tracking drives for my scope and opt for the Synscan conversion for my EQ5.

I had tried and tried to phone FLO on Saturday with no success so I dropped them an email at 09.43 this morning requesting them to phone me back.

Phone call duely arrived at around 12.30 and after a very pleasent chat about what I wanted to do and what I needed to achieve it regarding cable types and lengths ect the order was taken.

At 12.58 I recieved a confirmation email about my order along with a reciept.

At 15.43 I recieved a confirmation email that my order was in the hands of Fedex and on its way to me.

Well what can I say.

Impressed or what.

On the bottom of the email is says,

"We hope you have fully enjoyed your shopping experience and that you return soon."

Well FLO you need not worry on that point.

From now on you will be my first point of call.

I can see why people on here are singing your praises and you can add my voice to the choir.

Keep up the good work and thanks.


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first class service i placed on order with flo for a polerised moon filter that was far to dark for my scope size, they rang me the next day to make sure it was correct which it wasn't,great service.

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I ordered my new binoculars from FLO on Saturday, the order was processed on Monday, and I received the binoculars this afternoon (Tuesday).

I'll be shopping there again :BangHead:

Edited by Minet
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The massive difference also is that when he sends the kit, and a chimp like me messes things up, he has no problems at all assisting, now if that does not set a decent standard then what does, all respect to the guy, I think he will go from better to better, all credit to him and FLO. We run an astronomy group in Cornwall and this Saturday (05 May), we hosted a roadshow from First Light Optics. Steve visited us for the second time with his colleague Greg and they brought with them a varied selection of telescopes and accessories. The evening was a great success and a opportunity to see all the lovely goodies available which you can normally only view on websites.

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I always feel like a suck-up writing reviews. Especially reviews for FLO, because they're the most popular supplier here. But there's a reason for that. I don't think I've had a single transaction with them that hasn't been as good as it can be.

The last month has been no exception. I have recently ordered (and received) an Atik 314L+, filter wheel, full compliment of 1.25 filters, and various other bits and pieces. Altogether I think this represents two seperate transactions. There hasn't been a problem of any kind with either order, and both times I received everything in perfect condition, within 24 hours of ordering. This isn't surprising to anybody else who deals with FLO.

I have now ordered an OAG in complete confidence that everything will happen as smoothly as it always does.

I was also impressed with the advice I received this week from Martin. I have been trying to resolve a guiding/drift problem, so I contacted FLO to see if they thought changing to Losmandy dovetails was worth a try (I'm currently using ADM vixens). Martin suggested I try other things first, since new dovetails would be expensive and not guaranteed to make a difference. When a supplier advises you in such a way that they do themselves out of a possible sale, you know they've got to be a pretty honest and that their opinion can be trusted.

Thanks again, guys.

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I had ordered a PST over the phone from FLO in my lunch break on Tuesday, it was delivered to my work Wednesday morning and I was out observing with it last night! ...... That on it's own is excellent service ....but with FLO there's more! The customer service received from Martin is just as it should be, great product knowledge, unbiased advice and a genuine desire to see that you, the customer, enjoy your astronomy.

Well done

Carol :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, another thread about how great FLO are... but honestly, I haven't previously come across a company with such exceptional customer service in ANY field.

I have now, for one reason or another, had to retun a few items to them... one because it had a small fault, the others simply because they were found to not be suitable for my needs.

I am one of those people who genuinely doesn't feel good about returning anything unless I absolutely have to.... but FLO have refunded or replaced those items without a single argument or quibble.

Customer loyalty is a hard thing to find these days.... but I am now going to be exclusively buying my astro gear (assuming they stock it :-) from FLO because of how exceptionally well they've treated me as a customer.

I don't often write recomendations for suppliers, but FLO really do go above and beyond the call of duty and deserve all the support we can give.

Big thankyou guys.


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Along with many many on here just another satisfied customer of FLO posting their thanks.

Ordered a Baader Astrozap Filter and Continuum Filter Tuesday and delivered today ( hence the bleeding rain !!). Excellent service lads.

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I know we all know just how great FLO are but just thought I would share my experience with them.

It was not the first time I have ordered with them and certainly wont be the last. I yesterday decided I didn't want to wait any longer to order my EQ5 synscan pro goto upgrade and after spending some time looking for a second hand one with no luck decided I would order it new. I went on to FLO website and was showing out of stock, so I sent a quick email just to ask when likely to be available and within 5 mins had a reply from Martin to say had one sitting on the shelf. So after a couple more questions about it with reply straight back I went straight back online and ordered it. I sent a reply to martin to say the order is with you and was surprised to get a email back a short time later to say would be with me the following day. Sure enough 09.30 this morning FEDEX had delivered to my door.

What a service, there are many, many big retailers who could do with taking a leaf out of FLO's book.... 10 out of 10!!!


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I approached FLO requesting some information regarding my making a choice between a Moonlite & a Baader Steeltrack. It took the a whole 3 hours to respond. Sitting around, drinking coffee & eating biscuits no doubt!

Martin responded with detailed information, I mean, why can't he just answer my questions? all this additional information regarding expected delivery times, and options available to me, I mean... did I really need to have everything clarified in one e-mail?

Despite giving me all that additional reading, I decided I'd risk asking some more questions. This time Martin got a shuffle on, but it still took him 1 hour and 9 minutes to answer - Didn't know I was timing you, did you Martin?

Having trawled through the mass of information that Martin had lumbered me with, I decided to risk placing an order. It took a whole hour & 33 minutes for Martin to advise that they were out of stock of the low profile adapter I'd ordered. A further 15 minutes passed before I was given a delivery date of 4 weeks and he had the cheek to offer me a standard profile adapter (taken from another unit as they are not sold seperately), to tide me over until my order could be filled in full. I could return the temporary one they sent out after I got the one I'd ordered.

The order promptly arrived at my workplace (as requested) the next day, so I fired off a mail to Martin letting him know it didn't arrive until AFTER lunchtime. I voiced concerns about potentially marking the temporary tube, but was told not to worry.

The following week, Martin sent me *another* email to see how I was getting on with the focuser. I mean, will he leave me alone !!!

Needless to say (just in case anyone hasn't noticed) the above is very tongue in cheek and I am very pleased with my new Baader Steeltrack. The service was fabulous, and it's nice to know that FLO take the time to make sure their customers are entirely happy with their purchases.

So, in answer to the question in the title... They certainly got it right this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That FLO are absolute stars!

Ordered Monday late afternoon, emailed me yesterday to say dispatched - couldn't get the tracking number from FedEx to work when which van should pull up with my new shiny?



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