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Greetings from Somerset.


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Hi, I'm new to all of this skywatching stuff although always had an interest in the planets when a kid. Anyway, back in Jan this year I noticed a very bright 'star' in the evening sky. I'd seen it many times before but this time it peaked my interest for some reason. Curious as to what it was I found a neat phone app called Skyview and soon realised this was no star but Venus, of course, Doh! Before long I was snapping a few night shots with my P20 Pro and got hooked at looking up each night it was clear. I fell in love with Orion, with it's dimming Betelguese and near perfectly alligned belt. And I knew that middle star in the sheath was the nebula, but alas, only those with powerful, expensive telescopes could see anymore....I was happy just messing about in SpaceEngine 'til last week, when I spotted an £8 monocular on amazon, complete with mini tripod and phone holder. I knew it would be too good to be true, and of course it was complete rubbish but it does make the moon look a bit better lol.                                                                                                               

So after finding this forum, and reading up on the fact that you can actually see a fair amount with some binoculas I decided to buy some tonight. The budget is very tight so I went for a Celestron Skymaster 15x70, a tripod, a metal tripod mount and a better quality phone adaptor mount.  I'm very excited I must say, and I hope it's clear tomorrow night :D Cheers!

Edited by BlueStinger
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Hello There, 

Glad to have you on board - your binoculars will definitely provide you with stunning and insightful views and is a nice introduction. 

Finger crossed the skies are indeed clear for you! 




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10 minutes ago, Frank the Troll said:

For us locals, thats just up the road then ;)

Yes just up the road, or down the road, from you :D

I'm sat patiently waiting for my bins delivery, although I don't think this miserable grey day will get any better tonight. Typical lol.

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Hi again. Just thought I'd update here. The Skymaster 15x70s turned up today and I had a brief play in daylight. As I said earlier I'm a complete novice and have only fairly recently even heard of things like collimation and others issues that can effect cheaper pairs. These seem to be ok so far, I saw no double images or distortion and I could very easily get a very sharp image in each eye. The image was bright and crisp. Then again I have only a cheap and nasty £8 monocular to compare haha! They feel well built and hardy but the finishing on the paintwork is poor here and there, nothing major though and I only noticed looking back at some pictures I took of them. I keep looking out of the window to see if there's a tiny break in the clouds so I can use them for what I bought them for. I guess I'll just have to learn to be patient. I fully intend to take some pics with my phone attached to it, to amaze friends and family!

Here's a few pics I took. I will maybe do a better write up about it when I have used it more and in the correct forum. Cheers!

IMG_20200310_150331 (2).jpg


IMG_20200310_150431 (2).jpg

Edited by BlueStinger
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On 09/03/2020 at 22:14, BlueStinger said:

Hi, I'm new to all of this skywatching stuff although always had an interest in the planets when a kid. Anyway, back in Jan this year I noticed a very bright 'star' in the evening sky. I'd seen it many times before but this time it peaked my interest for some reason. Curious as to what it was I found a neat phone app called Skyview and soon realised this was no star but Venus, of course, Doh! Before long I was snapping a few night shots with my P20 Pro and got hooked at looking up each night it was clear. I fell in love with Orion, with it's dimming Betelguese and near perfectly alligned belt. And I knew that middle star in the sheath was the nebula, but alas, only those with powerful, expensive telescopes could see anymore....I was happy just messing about in SpaceEngine 'til last week, when I spotted an £8 monocular on amazon, complete with mini tripod and phone holder. I knew it would be too good to be true, and of course it was complete rubbish but it does make the moon look a bit better lol.                                                                                                               

So after finding this forum, and reading up on the fact that you can actually see a fair amount with some binoculas I decided to buy some tonight. The budget is very tight so I went for a Celestron Skymaster 15x70, a tripod, a metal tripod mount and a better quality phone adaptor mount.  I'm very excited I must say, and I hope it's clear tomorrow night :D Cheers!

Hello mate. 

I'm new too. I'm from Derbyshire.  I've been learning about astronomy since a kid too but I'm finding these forums and mobile phones harder to learn to use than astronomy 🤪🤣. Welcome my friend 

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Hi and welcome to the hobby measured in light years 

Nice binoculars if you get the book turn left at Orion it will show what you can see with binoculars and what needs a telescope your be amazed at what you can see 

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Hi Blue, my family came from Somerset (Taunton, parish of St James) in the early 1600's (during the late reign of Queen Elizabeth I) so I feel I have some affiliation with Somerset, esp. as I was born & bred in Bath.  Now in Swindon I am not all that far from you.  A warm welcome to the forum and enjoy your new toy.  Clear skies!

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Hi Bluestinger and welcome to SGL 👋

Congratulations on your binoculars and I’m sure you will get loads of enjoyment from them. As Neil suggested, turn left at Orion would be a good book to get hold of. It’s designed to let you know what you’re  likely to see with bins or scopes.

I'm new to Astronomy too and only just recently got one. It’s in its 5th edition now, but you could always see if someone has an earlier one they’re wanting to sell on the wanted forum. 
I’ve done a lot of armchair Astronomy lately as the weathers been so rubbish. But the learning will stand you in good stead when you do actually find a patch of clear sky!

have fun and enjoy! 

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Hi, I enjoyed hearing about your early progress. You begin with one thing... phone app... binoculars and become quite expert in a small way, then branch into something new, and find you're back on the bottom rung of a new ladder, and it's the same story again and again with the steps always beckoning upwards and onwards... I guess this is the joy of our infinite hobby. There will always be something new for each of us to discover. I keep making new 'discoveries' at my basic level that I'm sure are so obvious and familiar to the old hands here. But everyone is so supportive of your steps along the way, and I think relives their own discoveries in reading your account. Enjoy your voyage to the stars...

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