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Star Trek Picard Starts Today


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Let’s be polite John please. The definition of a self-important idiot is not ‘any person who disagrees with me’.  A scan of widespread opinion on Picard shows that plenty of people like it and plenty of people don’t. That’s OK and the way you’d expect it to be. 👍🏻

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On reflection, John was referring to the guys in the clip, in which case I was too quick to jump in - having read plenty of his other posts, it did seem out of character!

Believe me, I want to like it - the entire family has been waiting for weeks (sad, I know) - but I truly don’t rate it.  I won’t bore you by spelling out why.  To those who enjoy it, good for you ... I’ll keep watching in the hope that it comes closer to what I’d hoped it would be.  🖖🏻

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Picard is a haunted man broken by his assimilation by the Borg, the loss of his friend Data in saving him and the loss of power and influence . I think this is portrayed rather well as are the other characters who are developing nicely. 

It is certainly not TNG any more than Voyager was but different and developing well in my opinion. The interplay of human, cyborg and android is a fascinating topic worth some exploration as we inch towards a world where AI will become common in everyday life. 

Regards Andrew 

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4 hours ago, johninderby said:

Well a couple of iself important diots who just don’t get the new series. 🙄


Anyone who watches redlettermedia knows that Rich and Mike especially are huge star trek fans. Without trying to troll or offend anyone, if this was a generic sci fi series it would be fine but it is not 'star trek' that millions have watched and loved over the past 50+ years. If you are looking for a continuation of the Picard and star trek you knew from TNG and the films, this is not it in my opinion. This is not Gene Roddenberry's star trek, again my opinion. I am glad you enjoy it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The second half of the last season 1 episode was great imho; massive space fleets squaring up, Riker back in uniform, existential conversation with Data, annihilation diverted, the assembled crew flying off into the galaxy. Great! 

Looking forward to season 2.

Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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I'm a devoted Trekkie, but haven't yet seen any of this series. 

In each of the Star Trek runs there has been good episodes and not so good ones.

The original with James T. is considered a truly television break through over here for the time period, the 60's.

Roddenberry was right there on the cutting edge.

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One thing still puzzles me not only in Star Trek is why is it that the artificial gravity rarely if ever fails? The ship can be falling to pieces,  all power gone but artificial gravity remains.

I do recall two episodes across the Star Trek franchise when it failed. 

Regards Andrew 

I realise that it's much simpler to film with gravity on but.......

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2 hours ago, andrew s said:

One thing still puzzles me not only in Star Trek is why is it that the artificial gravity rarely if ever fails? The ship can be falling to pieces,  all power gone but artificial gravity remains.

They re-ran Voyager - The haunting of deck 12 last night and that did refer to a loss of gravity on one deck with the result that a crewman bumped their head.

So we have a visitor who is stuck here for C-19 lockdown - daughter's BF and he brought with him Prime subscription!!  My son and myself are currently rationing ourselves and have got to episode 5 of Picard.  

I am a bit of a die-hard Star Trek fan, and really like Patrick Stewart as an actor so what am I making of it?

Well so far it's been VERY slow.  The story premise is OK, lets face it there was no way they were ever going to bring Data back full time, the guest appearances by Brent Spiner are nice, but it's a pity that he also looks old (and rather portly - to put it politely), when you might assume that an android would not alter.  I am def. not overboard about Picard's wardrobe - I know the wardrobe depts often struggle with what we will end up wearing, but it's hardly futuristic even for an older man.  I also don't like the notion of the holodeck office being a reproduction of the chateaus work area - it seems to me that was just so that a cheaper set could be used.  The in-the-air computer holgraphic interface is slick, but it's a pity it had already been done by American crime fighting shows, Knight rider and even Stargate in places.  Seven of Nine was nice to see (what a shame about Icheb) I hope she makes further appearances.   Maddox is a nice touch.  I just wish it would all start to gel.  The flashbacks are too numerous and if you miss the screen shot you are liable to miss that it is a flashback which just confuses things.  At the moment it just feels like a parade of special appearances by much loved characters - it would be great to see some interaction between them.  Yes, time has passed, but it would be great to see more of the sparks of a less-broken Picard - at the moment these have been few and far between and it is a shame to see such a well loved character so old and broken.   The look and feel of it set wise is on the hole fine, and it has promise, but it needs to pull the cat out of the bag soon.  I shall stick with it in the hope of improvements - historically all Star Trek Series have been slow to get going as the actors get used to working together and I cannot believe that anything with Patrick Stewart in it won't get better especially as I note from the credits that he has some production control in it.  

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3 hours ago, andrew s said:

One thing still puzzles me not only in Star Trek is why is it that the artificial gravity rarely if ever fails? The ship can be falling to pieces,  all power gone but artificial gravity remains.

I do recall two episodes across the Star Trek franchise when it failed. 

Regards Andrew 

I realise that it's much simpler to film with gravity on but.......

Or the inertial dampener, or environmental control, or the lights , and what about stirring the oxygen tanks - wait that was Apollo 13 :)    Of course there is the old question as to why when two ships meet in space are they always the right way up to each other ?   Ach we are spoiling the escapism!   I must admit I did enjoy the new Amazon series well worth it if you have yet to see it.


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17 minutes ago, saac said:

Or the inertial dampener, or environmental control, or the lights , and what about stirring the oxygen tanks - wait that was Apollo 13 :)    Of course there is the old question as to why when two ships meet in space are they always the right way up to each other ?   Ach we are spoiling the escapism!   I must admit I did enjoy the new Amazon series well worth it if you have yet to see it.


I used to love the way the junior officers took over the "night shift" on Voyager as though expecting that the whole Galaxy was asleep...


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27 minutes ago, saac said:

Or the inertial dampener, or environmental control, or the lights , and what about stirring the oxygen tanks - wait that was Apollo 13 :)    Of course there is the old question as to why when two ships meet in space are they always the right way up to each other ?   Ach we are spoiling the escapism!   I must admit I did enjoy the new Amazon series well worth it if you have yet to see it.


All too true. I do recall James T in a nebula fighting a foe who was thinking two dimensionally so he outwitted him by sinking below and behind him.

Regards Andrew 

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I thought it was mediocre at best with a couple of great scenes thrown in although all these scenes involve the old cast in some way ( no spoilers ) the plot will be familiar if you have played mass effect 3. Picard didn't act like the Picard from TNG or the movies, even 7 of 9's character didn't feel right ( especially right at the end, poor Chakotay )  too much forced politics above story telling for me.

This of course is my opinion ( i am not right, i am not wrong )  and if you enjoyed it then good for you but i have given up on the new star trek now :( 


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Since I succumbed to Amazon Prime recently (to buy domestic stuff) and most of
my plans have been "overtaken by events"... I decided I might as well watch it. lol. 😏

I still like the Original Series the best. 😛 But I liked the first episode well enough?
The early scenes and mannerisms of P.S. put me slightly put in mind of the late 70's
F/CH film "Providence" with John Gielgud? lol. Owed a bit to the Matrix perhaps?
Hmmm... Lucky Dahj had a twin? 🤔 A welcome enough diversion in these times. 🙂

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I watched the first four episodes on Thursday and I have to say: I really enjoyed them and will soon watch the rest. I like all the Star Trek to some extent and think this surpasses them imo only. :smiley:
Think I will have to catch Discovery ( not Prime though, ) too and see what else I have been missing on Prime...

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