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Star Trek Picard Starts Today


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I think its superb.ย 

For the record it's set in the Prime Timeline.

It'sย darker than the utopian future thatย ST:TNG portrayed, it's similar in conceptย to the TNG episode about the junior ranks of the enterprise. That showed the ST universe from a perspective away from the bridge crew.

It's also funnier and a lot sadder than I was expecting. The opening scene almost made me cry.

I hope that this series get a fair crack of the whip. But that said, I hope the writers are telling a predefined story, one where they already know the end. It cannot drag on - it needs to finish with us gagging for more.

Thenย ST: Section 31 can entertain us all :)

Thinking about it more, the whole 'Freecloud' environment reminds me of the 'Toehold Space' concept in the 'Golden Age of the Solar Clipper' Universe by Nathan Lowell. What do you reckon @Grant?


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2 minutes ago, Ant said:

I think its superb.ย 

For the record it's set in the Prime Timeline.

It'sย darker than the utopian future thatย ST:TNG portrayed, it's similar in conceptย to the TNG episode about the junior ranks of the enterprise. That showed the ST universe from a perspective away from the bridge crew.

It's also funnier and a lot sadder than I was expecting. The opening scene almost made me cry.

I hope that this series get a fair crack of the whip. But that said, I hope the writers are telling a predefined story, one where they already know the end. It cannot drag on - it needs to finish with us gagging for more.

Thenย ST: Section 31 can entertain us all :)

Thinking about it more, the whole 'Freecloud' environment reminds me of the 'Toehold Space' concept in the 'Golden Age of the Solar Clipper' Universe by Nathan Lowell. What do you reckon @Grant?


Only just finished episode 2 so will let you know! :D

Busy waiting for the next Nathan Lowell audio book to be released as well!

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Itโ€™s set in the Star Trek universe but intended to suit the adult with darker themes as well as some humour. Picard is now too old to serve in Star Fleet so no commanding the Enterprise but rather a private mission to put right a wrong.

Has depth to the plot that will take a while to play out. ๐Ÿ™‚

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On 24/02/2020 at 13:28, TerryMcK said:

You didnโ€™t give it long enough! It really improved in my humble opinion - but itโ€™sย your choice.

Well, never say never I suppose. But honestly, I very seldom watch television at all. With over 250 cable channels, plus Hulu, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Pluto, etc, etc., one would think there would be something worth watching, but sadly for me, that is not the case. But a new offering of Star Trek is always something worth watching.

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Well I have always liked nearly all theย  Star Trekย  seriesย  and especially the films.

But, this last episode spoilt it for me. A most rediculus carry on and the clothes were nothing short of daft unimaginative rubbish. I don't know who is responsible for the wardrobe but they need someone with sensible and fresh ideas! A great disapointment in all.

It looks like they are trying to go back to the early childish versions produced when Star Treck was first aired, but thenย  mixed with horror and bad language. Inserting the bad language renders it unsuitable for children. The scene where they were extracting an eye from some poor individual without anesthetic was nothing short of barbaric. Again not suitable for a child and totally unneccessary. It would seem to me that we are moving into an era of shock and horror to try to see who can come up with the biggest shocks andย  most nasty visual effects. It does nothing for the story at all.

I won't be watching any more of it. A big disapointment as I was really looking forwards to the series.

The latest Star Trek films were realy well produced and had great stories without any of the nasties.

A great shame it has come to this.


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Oh dear!ย  I don't like the sound of that!ย  If they are going to do that I'm not interested!ย ย  More than that - I don't want to see that sort of thing.

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That is a bit of an overreaction to say the least over oneย very brief scene. Nothing like you would see in the average video game nowadays. Never heard any bad language either. The bar was a nod toย Quarks in Deep Space Nine mainly with a bit of Blade Runner thrown in with a lot of โ€œinโ€ jokes and references.

It is a show for adults though and would go over the heads of most kids.ย 

Edited by johninderby
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But that scene with the eye is a fairly important part of the back story.ย 

There has been some strong language, but it is extremely infrequent (maybe twice), and I thinks adds realism.

Gina, watch an episode or two before writing it off.

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As a committed and serial Trek watcher from the earliest beginnings, I was excited to hear about Picard. Enjoyed the first three episodes but felt the last degraded things badly: shallow, slow, unimaginative, over-dependence on effects, bits of cheap nastiness - justย another formulaicย programme of and for today that has lost touch with its more thoughtful origins. Iโ€™ll stick with it for a while longer - Iย want to like it but for me it needs to improve.ย 

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I can't wait to see it, but I refuse to give into Prime membership which is a money grabbing con imo.ย  So I will wait until it becomes accessible to me.

Discovery - I stuck with it and it is growing on me, though I do wish these franchises would stop using the mirror universe storylines.ย  I am still not convinced by the placement of the apparent technology into th ST timeline esp. As it has no later reference, but they do seem to embarking on a fair ongoing story arc so I'll keep watching for the moment.

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Give me a good Western anyday. Unfortunately, you need to go back in time to find one.ย  ย 

I did like the old Star Trek series, with Cap'n Kirk, Spock, Bones and Scotty, I didn't care for the new series too much .ย 





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@ron, hhow much of a chance did you give STTNG?ย  To be sure the early episodes lacked the slickmess that later ensues once a cast has found its feet, but certainly the longer it proceeded the better it goT From season 4 onwards it really started to gel!


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I personally think ST Picard is pretty dreadful.ย  Sir Patrick seems to be playing himself rather than the Picard character we all knew and loved.ย  They seem to be crowbarring in a xenophobic themed plotline to try and make it relevant to current politcal themes which just doesn't belong in the Gene Roddenberry universe.ย ย 

These guys pretty much sum up my feelings:


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Well a couple of iself important diots who just donโ€™t get the new series. ๐Ÿ™„

Some seem offended that it isnโ€™t the same old thing but the vast majority love it as I do. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

This descibes tha makers of that review pretty well. ๐Ÿ˜


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