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The bubble nebula. Not much to add about the target itself as it is already popular enough.

A combination of HOO shot with the ASI1600MMC + Astronomik narrowband filters through the 200mm newtonian tube removed from the dobson base and put on the EQ6-R.

About 6h of exposure through the Oxygen filter and about 9h through the Hydrogen filter.

Clicking on the pictures will redirect to the astrobin images where you can watch them in full resolution.

Crop close-up


And widefield



Thanks for watching and clear skies to you too!


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19 minutes ago, simmo39 said:

V nice indeed.

Thank you!

19 minutes ago, GiorgioF said:

I like more the wide field than the crop.

It is more smooth and give a wonderful eyesight of the area


That's why I put both images 😛

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That's a beautiful image. I'd also be interested to know what exposure times and gain setting you used. I've tried high gain previously, but have moved to unity with exposures between 180 and 240 seconds for narrowband.

Edit: I see the exposure and gain settings are on the Astrobin technical card.

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Thank you all very much! Happy that you like it!


On 23/08/2019 at 21:18, Starwiz said:

What exposure times and gain did you use?


On 23/08/2019 at 22:27, Andyb90 said:

That's a beautiful image. I'd also be interested to know what exposure times and gain setting you used. I've tried high gain previously, but have moved to unity with exposures between 180 and 240 seconds for narrowband.

Edit: I see the exposure and gain settings are on the Astrobin technical card.

I always use 300s subs @unity gain when shooting narrowband. Not sure it's optimal for every focal ratio, but I'm too lazy to re-shoot darks.

As Andy mentioned, you can find other technical details on the Astrobin technical card. Just click on the images.


On 23/08/2019 at 22:09, tooth_dr said:

Too drawer stuff. I need some clear skies 😱

These clear skies don't usually come for free. A couple of days nights ago we had ~30C. At midnight 🥵

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