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If you went back to just one eyepiece, what would it be?

Alan White

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Following on from my one telescope thread and suggestions made, here it is....

If you could only have one eyepiece, what would it be?
I know that it is very unlikely a reality, but what the heck.

I would keep my 19mm Panoptic, just love it to bits.

Go on, join in, don't be grumpy or say you wouldn't do it, play on.......

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Do I get to have a barlow or two as well?

I guess it would be my Nirvana 16mm. I use it as a planet / lunar eyepiece in my Mak, and it is also the ideal exit pupil for DSOs in the Mak, and it works well as a finder eyepiece in the ST80.

I found this one easier to answer than the one-scope thread.

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What do you mean, "Go back to one" I only have one and I found it in the back of my bits box a few days ago. I do have 3 CCD and 1 CMOS cameras. Oh yes, and a high sensitivity video camera.

Regards Andrew 

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I would probably plump for my Baader 8-24mm Zoom. It may not be the best Ep I've got, but with 17 focal lengths built in and really very good quality views throughout the range it would be my one to keep. :) 

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I acquired a 18mm Brass housed Military Erfle  way long ago, it rendered wonderful lunar views, and I just loved it. To this day, I do not understand what happened to it, I would never have willingly parted with it, so  I can only assume I mislaid, or lost it at an outside event somewhere. I still mourn the loss of it.


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8 minutes ago, russ said:

I would like my Speers-Waler 5-8mm zoom back. By far and away the my fav eyepiece. But can i have the Baader 8-24mm zoom to go with it....please

No Russ, just one.
As other have said zoom and a barlow/s is an option.

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Most of the time currently I have been using just my 7.2 - 21.5 zoom and the Baader Q-Turret 2.25x barlow. It's a little limited at the low power end due to the modest AFoV but I could live with that I guess.

Maybe I ought to "bite the bullet" and sell off my other eyepieces and bank the proceeds :icon_scratch:


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If you have just one eyepiece, then I guess almost any will do. Once you take comparison out of the equation - ep that you have is the sharpest, widest, with the least aberrations ... It's simply the best of the "lot" :D

Cheap zoom in range 8-27 + barlow for example.


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Baader zoom yes.
But if the rules dictate that a zoom eyepiece is cheating, then it has to be Baader Hyperion.
By using tuning rings and taking off the scope end I still get several different focal lengths and good views.


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47 minutes ago, Alan White said:

No Russ, just one.
As other have said zoom and a barlow/s is an option.

It will have to be the Baader 8-24 then with the barlow :)   Widefield views aside that covers it all quite nicely. 

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1 hour ago, russ said:

I would like my Speers-Waler 5-8mm zoom back. By far and away the my fav eyepiece. But can i have the Baader 8-24mm zoom to go with it....please

Oh no, in an eyepiece apocalypse you are only allowed to have one...

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