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I need amunition!


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No,no, not he lethal type, but ammunition to support my urge to get more astro gear. Not from my point of view, that needs no encouragement, but from my wife's, who is sure I have spent too much on it already! ( I will not mention how much here! ) I have always justified it by saying it is a good investment, that excellent kit can even gain in price, if you are lucky. Certainly, it will only loose about a third of its new value, if bought new, with a better performance with second hand kit.  All good then eh?

Well, my wife says that gold will be an even better investment, in particular lovely jewellery for her. I have no idea about dealing in gold stuff, other than knowing it can go up and down in price considerably. So can any of you very clever people help me with this? I have no objection with my wife having nice jewellery, indeed would love her to have some great stuff, but to be frank, if we spend as much on Jewellery, as I wish to spend on astro gear, we will be bankrupt! :blush:

Please bear in mind I wish to find justification to buy new astro gear, to encourage her that it will be a good thing. I hope this is the right part of the forum for this thread, but would not be surprised if it gets moved to the lounge, but I do not see why it should, because it is essentially about buying astro gear! :grin:

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Second hand, which may not lose any value.

That you intend to learn something new in order to stimulate brain health

Will sell some unused existing items to make way for new items.

That unless gold origin is traceable it is likely sourced at the cost of rainforest.

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'There are nae pockets in a shroud' !!

The stress of not having appropriate kit to fully enjoy your hobby may kill you - ask her if she wants you to be healthy and happy - then buy the kit.

If she doesnt want you to be healthy and happy then just buy the kit.

Either way - you get the kit.

'Simples' !


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14 minutes ago, cuivenion said:

Why don't you spend half your budget on Astro, half on Jewelry. At the end of the day you don't buy Astro gear as a financial investment, but it's still important to do the things you enjoy.

Hard to argue with, but I prefer happy-kat's answer. :smiley:😜 After all, what is the use of jewellery? Of course in fact, yours is probably the best option. I am sure I will appreciate it long term... :icon_scratch::smiley:

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For the majority of secondhand jewellery is only worth the scrap value of the metal and stones. Unless it is a particularly desirable piece, it is unlikely to be a good investment.

Even 2nd hand astro gear will likely lose money over time, particularly anything electronic.

Therefore it is highly unlikely that the 'investment' argument holds much water on either side.

Ultimately, you simply have to weigh up the total net 'cost' of a purchase in terms of happiness and contentment, not only of the purchase itself, but also it's net cost on the wellbeing of your relationships.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 26/06/2019 at 18:40, cuivenion said:

spend half your budget on Astro, half on Jewelry

Seems a fair equation within a good partnership; so enjoy your better half with some nice jewelry - you never know, how long you can do that for a loved one.

I'd familiarize her with the concept of assembling an astronomical "life-long equipment" as an equivalent to her long-lasting pleasure with gold and jewels. I've found, that most stargazers are using (or wishing) a "core equipment" of about three optical devices (visual only): a decent binocular (8x40 or 10x50), a smaller grab-and-go/travel set within the 3" to 5" range - a frac, small Newtonian or catadioptric; and finally the "big gun", e.g. a Dob of the 8" - 10" - 12" size. So you might save up some money, and, in full agreement with your wife, buy new, worthy, long lasting and carefully sought out equipment over the course of several years. IMO, a better way than to start rushing into some spontaneous purchases, that are regretted soon. Just my 2p.



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I have bought jewellery (inc gold) and astronomy gear.  As far as I can see, neither keep their value (for gold, timing is everything), but there seems to be a better market for second hand astro gear, or maybe I just haven't found the right places for jewellery.  However buying jewellery has the spin off that subsequent purchases of astronomy stuff is more tolerated.

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On 26/06/2019 at 17:40, cuivenion said:

Why don't you spend half your budget on Astro, half on Jewelry. At the end of the day you don't buy Astro gear as a financial investment, but it's still important to do the things you enjoy.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Not a chance. 80% at least on Astro gear and then we can talk about Jewelry.

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If you can't afford to spend that much on both of you, can you really afford it?

On the bright side: at least Televue don't do a line of jewelry. Then you'd REALLY be broke!

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26 minutes ago, Ags said:

If you can't afford to spend that much on both of you, can you really afford it?

To be perfectly honest, life is too short to consider that for too long. Where do you draw that line? We cannot take it with us. Not that we have that much to spare, it would be instead of a holiday too I guess... :rolleyes2:



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