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It never ends!


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I'm certainly at some sort of peak in terms of kit currently. I have quite a variety of scopes, each of which I have a totally watertight case for keeping 🤣🤣

I suspect the next moves may be downward to free some cash but we will see.

Some of my purchases are completely spur of the moment based on what comes up on the used market. For instance, my 14" Sumerian Alkaid was something I had not considered, or even knew existed in that size (it was a custom build I believe). The chance to own a scope with decent aperture but which is manageable and fits in with my lifestyle was something I couldn't pass up.

I dont suppose I will ever stop tinkering, but any major changes/purchases will have to be funded by sales.

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It's a big universe and there aint no telescope that's big enough. Look at the Event Horizon Telescope - it is the size of the Earth, and it is still too small.

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2 hours ago, Paul73 said:

There is nothing like family financial commitments for putting a damper on the Astro shopping.

Education seems like a decent way flirting with financial ruin. Paid the last (hopefully) of the school fees last month!😁😁😁

Quite so.  Unfortunately I think we're about approaching "peak school fees" :(


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Just now, JamesF said:

Quite so.  Unfortunately I think we're about approaching "peak school fees" :(


A joyous time with three daughters at the same time; the uniforms cost was close to the actual fees particularly as the eldest were twins - no hand down option😀😀😀

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16 minutes ago, Ags said:

It's a big universe and there aint no telescope that's big enough. Look at the Event Horizon Telescope - it is the size of the Earth, and it is still too small.

I’ll be stopping at the 10” reflector.

until I get a mount with 100lb+ payload.

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1 hour ago, Peter Drew said:

As long as there is light at the end of the telescope this problem will arise. I have been very good at buying equipment and very bad at selling any. Consequently I'm running out of money as well as space.   😀

Lottery funding?  :wink2:

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I have spent a few years accumulating kit but 2019 has so far seen no purchases and my plan this year was to make the most of my kit rather than expand it.

This is going ok but in the long term I have only 5 things left on my list to try...

A heavier duty alt az scope than my porta 2

A Binoviewer

An apo

A Ha scope

Night vision

It might be a long time before I get to try these, if at all, but other than these things I'm very happy with my lot.


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7 minutes ago, Paz said:

A heavier duty alt az scope than my porta 2

A Binoviewer

An apo

A Ha scope

Night vision

There are some fair chunky purchases on that list! Well worth saving up for though.

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5 hours ago, Peter Drew said:

As long as there is light at the end of the telescope this problem will arise. I have been very good at buying equipment and very bad at selling any. Consequently I'm running out of money as well as space.   😀

Crowd funding is becoming a way for some folks to accrue funds these days, although usually implemented by folks in desperate need.   Pining for quality Astro. Equipment won't qualify I'm afraid. 
 Just joking guys 😁.         

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1 hour ago, Paz said:

I have spent a few years accumulating kit but 2019 has so far seen no purchases and my plan this year was to make the most of my kit rather than expand it.

This is going ok but in the long term I have only 5 things left on my list to try...

A heavier duty alt az scope than my porta 2

A Binoviewer

An apo

A Ha scope

Night vision

It might be a long time before I get to try these, if at all, but other than these things I'm very happy with my lot.


This year I have acquired

  • star-watcher adventurer pro
  • polemaster adapter for above
  • replacement Az pin for pier
  • lens cleaner

and the 1st item was a gift.

deos this mean I am near the end, or just deluding myself 😭


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1 hour ago, Stu said:

There are some fair chunky purchases on that list! Well worth saving up for though.

It's something to aspire to. The first couple I'm confident about doing at some point, the rest time will tell!

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Astronomy in comparison to other interests I like to indulge in such as cycling, hill walking, wild camping etc, is the front runner by a fair margin in terms of cost of each selective item. Not that other activities are inexpensive, efficient dependable equipment can be costly including whether or not second hand. Mixing up astronomy with other interests becomes a beneficial distraction and in some ways a complementary pursuit, which retains a balanced overall approach to what you do and the extent of equipment you may have. As had been mentioned, you may in time arrive at some kind of clarity of awareness that you have accomplished a core set-up, where by each part is interconnected, a kind of objective jigsaw, which if one component was taken away i.e. sold, it may unpick or unravel. The main requirement is retaining the passion and dedication, that despite the frequent unfavourable weather, gives you a feeling of uplifting and contentment each time, whether in a suburban back garden, sharing on an outreach event or venturing out on a dark sky trip, those moments become priceless.  

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Two rules that I've applied over all the years that I've been in this hobby are:

1. Keep house / family and astro budgets completely separate. If the money was not "disposable" it did not get spent on the hobby.

2. No loans to fund hobbies.





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6 hours ago, Ags said:

Happy birthday!

By the way, I have a "hundred Euro rule": purchases over that limit need very careful consideration!

I wish I had a rule like that.




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I confess to a disturbing yen to own an Espirit 150, but I've also hankered for a Star adventurer, and a RedCat51  also. I have to stop.browsing through that Sweet shop called First Light Optics. I wouldn't care as I have so many toys as it is, and unused for the most part. It's a love of all this modern gear that was totally unavailable in my early years. It's now a test of will power, and and circumventing a very observant wife.


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So far I've not spent a huge amount this year .......

........ However .......

........ I have some very serious kit incoming, some of which I've put deposits down on, some I'll be buying when the time comes,

But that will be it for the foreseeable, apart from odds and ends such as an ASI air or new tablets, laptops etc.

This will leave me with three static imaging rigs, and a portable Star Adventurer set up.

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Yes Neil - it never ends!  Four 'scopes, four mounts (all of which I mix and match), 20 EPs, a focal extender, a zoom, some filters.  And I've now got into simple Plossls, and am planning for a 100deg EP.  Plus, I want another frac, and a solar 'scope.  

Into the future - an observatory at a dark sky site would be nice.  


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38 minutes ago, cloudsweeper said:

Yes Neil - it never ends!  Four 'scopes, four mounts (all of which I mix and match), 20 EPs, a focal extender, a zoom, some filters.  And I've now got into simple Plossls, and am planning for a 100deg EP.  Plus, I want another frac, and a solar 'scope.  

Into the future - an observatory at a dark sky site would be nice.  


I thought you had it in mind to build an Obs. Doug, I must be thinking of someone else.  If you have it mind to go with It, you could be all set up for Winter If you make a start now. 😀.                Ron.

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I've gone maybe 2.5yrs now without buying an eyepiece (is that a record?!! 😂).

I did buy a Ha scope ~1.5yrs ago though (absolutely love it).

I himmed and hawed and missed out on a rare opportunity to buy a used ED80 locally for a good price, but on a whim took a punt on a Heritage 130p for when camping with the family.

So no - i dont think I'll ever be 'done' buying, despite thinking it time and again...

Hopefully I'll go through the astro equipment purchasing equivalent of the Maunder Minimum now - and it will last for a good while ;)

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4 hours ago, barkis said:

It's now a test of will power, and and circumventing a very observant wife.

The former I have no chance with now, given up on now.

The latter, well, I let her marry me, so, there needs to be a two way compensation ............ as if. :) :) :)


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3 hours ago, DaveS said:

odds and ends such as an ASI air or new tablets, laptops etc.

This will leave me with three static imaging rigs, and a portable Star Adventurer set up.

got the ASIaIR - not had a chance to use in anger - went to Sky before easter - it rained al the sum unsurprisingly.

Only one faces rig - in rebuild stages

but can knock up a couple semi rigs - per plus the Adventurer- also failed the test in Skye :(

Too much stuff, no time to work outset combinations now.......

wish I could retire - but at least 5yrs to go to UK pension


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