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It never ends!


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I know I should have long since have accepted this but the the desire to purchase new equipment seems never ending! I’ve spent most of the last two years being one or two purchases away from having “everything I want”. Despite having spent a fair bit on my travel setup, that I’m very happy with, I’m now thinking about a Nagler 3-6mm Zoom. It’ll work well with both my scopes. I’d like to think that after that I’ll find peace and serenity with two great scopes and a full eyepiece case but I know that a Pentax XW 7mm would make a nice addition to the collection. Those Vixen HRs seem right up my street too. Has anyone ever reached the end of the equipment buying road? I need to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel as I’m running out of kidneys!

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I feel for you Neil!

I'm not sure you'll ever reach the end, but you might find your personal comfort zone. In my case I spent years acquiring Naglers & Ethos, Takahashi LE's & Hi LE's, TMB super monocentrics & TMB Planetaries, and of course the superlative Pentax XW's. I was in a happy place! Then some smarty pants introduced me to the benefits of bino viewing and how simple eyepieces easily match and often outperform these more complex and vastly more expensive eyepiece designs. I've now found a new happy place using pseudo Masuyama's such as old Celestron ultima's. I still use wide field eyepieces but they are now the less expensive Morpheus, and high end high power Vixen HR's. 

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Jazz musicians have a term for this 'chasing the tail'. There's always temptations Neil, but yeah I think that the 'temptations' become a little less 'urgent', so I would like to think that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Active participation (however occasional) ought with time supersede the, what seems, endless compelling purchase listing. I find myself continually mindful to this and that and avidly check out used / retail listings, I haven't spent on astronomy (a good sign) so far this year, a record I think, quite a (financial) relief.  Yet for example, I took a scope for a family visit and outreach lunar session last weekend to Lancashire, (which rather weirdly I plan around lunar phases), acts as a great ice breaker interacting with nephews, nieces etc and some equipment that hadn't been used for a while got a good airing with excellent lunar observations. So consequently as Mike has implied, you reach a 'happy place' eventually with what you have.  

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As Mike says, you could go on, and on, and on. buying, trying and switching equipment searching for some "holy grail" items which will make your hobby complete.

I went through a protracted period of that (several years :rolleyes2:) but I've now found a core set of equipment that I'm comfortable and confident with so I seem to have lost the urge to keep trying other things, or at least can keep the urge in check.

But everyone will have a slightly different journey I reckon, so enjoy the ride :smiley:


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I've been lucky with buying scopes.

Just have 2 refractors and was very  careful with my purchases making sure they would do what's required for my needs.

Eyepieces are a different story.

Bought and sold loads. 

But now have a set I'm very happy with.




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I like Johns "Core set of Equipment" place, once you refine that it becomes more a utility for process rather than a process for utility.

My agreement with John comes more from the evolution of good reasonably offered equipment over the years where my upgrades have most often been just that...Better equipment had become available and choices and additions were availability and upgrade ability based. Now days that is no longer the case were as function form and abundance are widespread.

With all the market offerings today one can easily find something better to trump what they have, just spend enough and its on the doorstep.

Too easy all this my wife thinks 😉



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I say this with a little tongue in cheek and with some lightheartedness but I think the rubbish uk weather has a lot to do with this very topic. I was only thinking the other day that when the weather is rubbish many of us get our Astro fix (me especially) by spending time looking for the next Astro bit or thinking about what we’d like to improve our experience. If the weather was better we’d most likely get our fix by spending more time observing or imaging and then we might not need to spend so much time pondering or searching for the ideal next bit of kit. Anyway, whilst the bad uk weather stops us getting our fix, it must be good for the Astro retail business and without a strong Astro supply and a strong used market (which is good for us all) we’d have nothing to look at when the weather’s bad. 🤔😂🤣.


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I have a small list of essential purchases that I have been updating since 2009. The way items appear and disappear from the list is quite comical in a way. Items generally sit on the list for five or more years. Items, once purchased after years of planning are sometimes swiftly resold as mistakes. The only constant in all the chaos is that the list gets longer!

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I don't have a "this will get me everything I need" list, but I do have a "I'd like to try this out one day" list.  So like Agnes, I can quite happily have something on the list for years until it pops up at the right price (and have done).  But because it's just something I'd like to try, if I miss out or have to wait a bit longer then I can do so without stress and be happy with what I currently have.


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2 minutes ago, John said:

Thats where the resolve comes in ....... or not sometimes :rolleyes2:

Quite.  I find contemplation of the childrens' school fees generally helps to calm impulsive thoughts :)


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Twenty easy and simple years owning a visual dob spoiled me into thinking that doing the research, getting input from various sources, and springing for a basic imaging rig was as far as the cost would go, but I underestimated by a good deal the cost of all the 'extras' necessary to get another step closer to better photos, or simply to acquire necessary gear that was overlooked in the original research. SGL was a great source of information and encouragement as I sourced my rig, but nobody ever pointed out that once you think you've reached the end of the road and can now order all your stuff and away you go, there is always another, smaller road that continues the journey, and the cost. I don't say this in blame, I am, after all, responsible for everything I do, and of course everyone here wants to support a budding fellow amateur astronomer just as I encourage people following behind me, I just wish I could believe that the next time I tell my wife that this purchase will finally complete my setup, it will actually be true.

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7 hours ago, JamesF said:

Quite.  I find contemplation of the childrens' school fees generally helps to calm impulsive thoughts :)


There is nothing like family financial commitments for putting a damper on the Astro shopping.

Education seems like a decent way flirting with financial ruin. Paid the last (hopefully) of the school fees last month!😁😁😁 


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5 minutes ago, Paul73 said:

Paid the last (hopefully) of the school fees last month!

If you think that’s where financial support for your children stops, you are SO wrong ... 😮

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3 minutes ago, AKB said:

If you think that’s where financial support for your children stops, you are SO wrong ... 😮

Yep. They’ll be heading for university / needing cars / houses. Then there will be grandchildren....... So, put in context, some enthusiastic Astro shopping should be barely noticed!

Wouldn’t mind a car that is big enough to get my Dob into and reliable enough to get to the odd star party, and a new tent....


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5 minutes ago, Paul73 said:

So, put in context, some enthusiastic Astro shopping should be barely noticed!

That is a really good way of approaching it! 😃

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8 hours ago, Trikeflyer said:

I say this with a little tongue in cheek and with some lightheartedness but I think the rubbish uk weather has a lot to do with this very topic. I was only thinking the other day that when the weather is rubbish many of us get our Astro fix (me especially) by spending time looking for the next Astro bit or thinking about what we’d like to improve our experience. If the weather was better we’d most likely get our fix by spending more time observing or imaging and then we might not need to spend so much time pondering or searching for the ideal next bit of kit. Anyway, whilst the bad uk weather stops us getting our fix, it must be good for the Astro retail business and without a strong Astro supply and a strong used market (which is good for us all) we’d have nothing to look at when the weather’s bad. 🤔😂🤣.


Yes! There’s a lot of truth in this! It’s not often that I’m out observing and I think about another eyepiece or filter that I want/need. It’s those long, quiet, cloudy nights where my wish list gets filled.

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I think, unless something "mind-blowingly impressive" comes along re.
Astro Technology, my *major* purchasings  are pretty much complete? 😜 

I have spent "far to much"! lol. But I like to think *much* of it had some
justification and was fairly(?) carefully thought out? As a Astro-Generalist
(Visual... imaging... video... solar... etc.) I have been *innocently* lured to
explore a WIDE variety of setups. May you find contentment in ONE?!? 🙃

Another birthday yesterday reminded me of my "limited mortality"? lol
Enough "unrequited" (Non-Astro too) hobbies to last another lifetime? 🤨

 OR: "Jack of all trades... Master of none"! 😸

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Bear in mind you already have the most precious  optical devices you could ever hope for, your own eyes.

You can drink in the splendour of the universe just by using them. Might not curb your desire to spend on more Astro Gems, but just being aware that there is nothing you can buy that can ever compete with what you already have may temper your spending a bit 😃




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Agreed. When it comes to stargazing, my eyes need the very best help that I can afford!!

Maybe one of those NV monoculars? Wouldn’t they work well in binoviewers? And, I did promise myself a set of Ethos at some stage......

However, I have found that after a couple of years, I hit a cruising altitude re overall value of kit. If I want to buy something, I sell something to finance the new addition. Equilibrium maintained. So provided I stay away from extreme thoughts (see above), yes, it does end!


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44 minutes ago, Macavity said:

Another birthday yesterday reminded me of my "limited mortality"? lol

Happy birthday!

By the way, I have a "hundred Euro rule": purchases over that limit need very careful consideration!

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1 hour ago, Paul73 said:

There is nothing like family financial commitments for putting a damper on the Astro shopping.

Education seems like a decent way flirting with financial ruin. Paid the last (hopefully) of the school fees last month!😁😁😁 



you'll now have university fees to contend with.

i didn’t get beyond a cheap alt-az until our youngest was finished her Masters 4 yrs ago.

am man, did my expenditure on Astro kit rise then 😀

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As long as there is light at the end of the telescope this problem will arise. I have been very good at buying equipment and very bad at selling any. Consequently I'm running out of money as well as space.   😀

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