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Skies looking good tonight, and this week!


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All but Friday evening looking good here - Friday is Astro Society evening but we have a speaker so thats OK.

Had a great outreach session at the Society observatory last night with my 12 inch dob. Looks like further sessions at home to come this week :thumbright:

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21 minutes ago, RolandKol said:

plus, it looks like Spain and Portugal are protected by the invisible Wall! :)
Clouds just bounce OFF!!

I've often thought the same about this quote.????

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This could be my first time imaging DSOs all year -- although theres some high cloud moving about here in the South West! ? M106 (hopefully) -- though theres a horrible streetlight which is at exactly the same dec as the galaxy. :D I think Ursa Major etc has moved high enough up in the sky now that it should be ok. ;) 

Hope yall have clear skies!


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Good start here - Sirus B with the 12 inch dob at 227x. Held the gleaming "Pup" star quite easily with direct vision as it drifted across the field behind the blazing Sirus :icon_biggrin:

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16 minutes ago, John said:

Good start here - Sirus B with the 12 inch dob at 227x. Held the gleaming "Pup" star quite easily with direct vision as it drifted across the field behind the blazing Sirus :icon_biggrin:

Well done! If you're seeing SiriusB with direct vision you have.got great seeing there. I find it a challenge with Sirius at 70 degrees elevation, though usually doable.

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Bittersweet for me (not the clear skies part, of course)! A new CCD and IR filter on the way which should arrive by Wednesday, but I'm away two nights this week (tonight and Thursday) and want to do some lunar imaging. 

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Sorry for those who had clouds, but I did manage a nice 2 hour session with my Genesis and Mewlon, and a little black box of magic ;). Will post up when I have time.

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I moved on from Sirius to galaxy spotting in Leo and Ursa Major. Not the best transparency but good enough to have some fun.

Clear here again tonight I think - 3 nights on the trot - inconceivable !!!


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I had a long session last night using the 12" Dob. Lots of DSOs around Canes Venatici and Coma Berencies. Nice grouping of NGC 4485 and 4490 + NGC 4618 and 4625. Then slightly over to M94.

Tried to view NGC 5053 and NGC 5466 both Globs but transparency ruined the show - both very faint.

12" Dob still outside and hopefully will stay there until Saturday.


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Had a go last night despite having a gammy knee. Not much success, which I put down to my lack of purely visual experience as I'm nearly 100% imaging, though the straight-through 9x50 finder on my Mak 180 didn't help, need a RACI.

The only success I had was getting the easy target of the Leo Triplet which pretty much filled the FoV of a 38mm Panaview eyepiece. Conclusion? a 180 Mak-Cass is probably not the ideal galaxy 'scope, but it's either that, or the Meg90 which doesn't have a finder as it's currently set up for solar. I did have a try for M101 but to no avail, just couldn't find it which I put down to my own failings.

Still, I enjoyed being out under reasonably dark skies, seeing the stars of Coma Berenice nice and clear, they are too faint to see from Ruislip, all 7 stars of UMi not just visible but clear and bright with a lot of the fainter stars also clear. Winter Milky Way also visible despite a less than ideal elevation

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