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Helo from North Wales

Andy R

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Hi all,

Well Im new to astronomy and I finally went a bought a telescope after moving from lightest brightest Essex to North Wales. 

I’ve been interested in star gazing for twenty five years after experiencing the night sky in Australia. On seeing the milky way for the first time I was glued to the spot looking up, opened mouthed, arm raised, finger pointing for about 3 hours, a humbling experience I won’t forget.

A stary night where I did live would be about 10 stars  However up here there a quite a few more but quite a bit more cloud too.  So I’m looking forward to my first clear night and learning the sky  

Well that’s me done I’m off to read some threads  

Thanks all


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Hi Andy - if you're near to Llandudno, the North Wales Astronomy Society meet nearby for observing sessions on 2nd Tuesday, and for a talk on the 4th Wednesday of the month. 

Although we're not local, we have friends who are, so we try to get to their talk meetings. 

Details on their website. http://www.northwalesastro.co.uk/About-Us/

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23 hours ago, Gfamily said:


Hi Andy - if you're near to Llandudno, the North Wales Astronomy Society meet nearby for observing sessions on 2nd Tuesday, and for a talk on the 4th Wednesday of the month. 


Hey thanks for the link I’ll certainly pop along sometime soon. And thank you all for your friendly welcome, SGL has a wealth of knowledge I hope I can take it all in. 



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