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Hello from Sutton, UK


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Hi everyone - I can't believe I missed this part of the forum...I am technically 30 posts in on the site, but hopefully still new enough to count for this thread!

But hello! I live in Sutton, having just moved to a house with a garden after 10 years in a flat in Tooting Bec...being able to come inside now once my imaging equipment has been set up is so nice!

I am an imager almost exclusively at the moment and have been into this hobby for a year. I love this so much that I used to lug all my equipment into the communal garden at night when living in the flat, light pollution and all!

It was this image, with a DSLR, old school Skytracker and tripod back in March 2018 that pushed me to start upgrading my equipment...when this came out of the computer, I thought...yes I can do this....and I haven't looked back!

Thanks to everyone I've already come across here who have been incredibly kind and helpful! 


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How do you find the skies in Sutton?  I am not too far from you in Bromley and I find the skies far too LP and am very restricted in what I can image from home. 

So I and a bunch of others regularly travel down to a site in East Sussex and camp for a few nights where the skies are Bortle 4.  

Very jealous of your astrodon filters. 


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1 hour ago, eshy76 said:

hello! I live in Sutton

Hello!  I live in Sutton too... but I suspect it's not the same one.  ?

Sutton, a place name meaning 'south settlement' or 'south town' in Old English.

Do you mean the borough, or the one in:

  • Bedfordshire
  • Cambridgeshire
  • Devon
  • Essex
  • Kent
  • Norfolk
  • Oxfordshire
  • Shrewsbury
  • Somerset
  • Suffolk
  • Surrey
  • East Sussex
  • West Sussex
  • North Yorkshire
  • Wales
  • ...

Sorry!  I'm not usually pedantic... must have a lot of time on my hands today (actually, supposed to be tidying my 'warm room'.)

I'm in Oxfordshire!


PS: Great image!

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Thank you everyone for the warm words!

Carole - I'm actually loving the skies! That Orion picture was taken in Tooting, South West London, in a communal area surrounded by streetlights. And I think it was Bortle 8-9 to begin with. In Sutton, at least where I am, the skies are definitely less red in hue...more of a dark blue to black and I can definitely see more than the main asterisms when I look up.  Already I've had a couple of nice images too...I think the skies would correspond to a Bortle 7-ish, but without a meter, can't say for sure. But an improvement. I did image in Mauritius earlier this year (got a Rho Ophiuci image on Astrobin), which was Bortle 5...the data seemed to process itself....dark skies are good.

AKB - sorry - Sutton, Surrey that would be, kind of equidistant between Sutton and Cheam! I've lived in London pretty much all my life, so I still need to work out the new designations - it's the London Borough of Sutton, but generally people seem to refer to it as being in Surrey...

Davey-T....yes....alas - the perfectionist in me demands it! I started with the DSLR (Sony a6500), which did pretty well (especially when I added the MGen) and I learned the ropes of polar alignment, data acquisition, calibration frames etc...probably for about 6 months. It was when I moved to an ASI1600MM-Pro that the costs ballooned after that! My final indulgence fitted to my scope last night, was a Lakeside focuser. That should be it for now...though a premium mount (did someone say 10micron?) lies in my future....let's renovate the house first and see if I have any cash left....?


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3 hours ago, eshy76 said:

but generally people seem to refer to it as being in Surrey...

That narrows it down a bit!, about 51 towns/places in Surrey!
Wellcome to the Stargazers forum.
I should  return one day for a look! almost 4 decades now ?

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Thank you all very much for the kind welcome.

I'm very much an imager, but I do like observing as well. With the one scope, though, I tend to prioritise getting exposures for now...hmm maybe I should get a Dob to observe with while my refractor is on imaging duty...one to ponder for the future!

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On 13/01/2019 at 16:08, eshy76 said:

hmm maybe I should get a Dob to observe with while my refractor is on imaging duty...one to ponder for the future!


Thinking very much the same myself!

a bit cold for standing around these days though ❄️

Welcome to the forum eshy ?

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Hello from me too (I used to live down those parts and worked in Sutton).

Don't know if you've been to any of the Croydon AS meetings? Used to spend a lot of time up at Kenley observing. (Though suppose you also have Epsom and Ewell AS the other direction!)

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Thank you RayD and Graeme!

RayD - I know, right! The pull of new gear is strong!

Graeme - I haven't joined a society yet...but I am super excited by Ewell as they meet up at Nonsuch school, which about 2 minutes drive from our house. Once we have fully settled, I intend to be an active member! Apparently they often observe at Ranmore Common in Guildford, which is Bortle 5...compared to my current 7...I cannot wait!

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