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ISS from 03.04.2017

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I have tried to capture the ISS on two other occasions, the first was not too bad, the second was grim :icon_biggrin:

This third attempt really have me grinning from ear to ear, when I checked the PIPP folder. Not sure I will ever get a better shot to be honest.

The following settings were used ROI=1280x960, Shutter=0.715ms, Gain=50, Gamma=50, I focused on Mercury (previous target) and used the viewfinder to try and keep the ISS on the chip. I managed around 120 frames of varying detail out of 2,800 not bad really. Although there really is only a short window when it is at its optimum position for the current settings.


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Forgot to mention the set up in my excitement :icon_biggrin:

It was with my C9.25 & Asi120mm camera, no eyepiece or filter. Video is always going to be best for high resolution images, its very difficult to get the ISS on the chip due to its speed. 

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1 hour ago, CraigT82 said:

Absolutely superb...don't think I've seen better.  What mount and how did you tract across the sky??

Thank you very much, the mount is a EQ5. No tracking, I don't think you can track it. I just made sure the finder scope was aligned with the main tube and followed it manually while looking through it.

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