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Cygnus Wall - final (for now)


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Cygnus Wall (part of NA nebula), imaged on October 3rd and 4th

30 x 8 min unguided @ ISO 800 with unmodified Pentax K20D

Skywatcher 150PDS on AZ-EQ6 GT

Processed in PixInsight.

Comments welcome


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6 hours ago, simmo39 said:

V nice!

Thank you

2 hours ago, ChrisLX200 said:

Looks good to me Wim, but I think you have a bit more dynamic range to play with in the data. Lift the brightness a tad and it will pop!


Thank you. I agree, it is lacking. My efforts to push the nebula have so far not been successfull, it always resulted in artefacts. I will have to rethink this one. There wasn't actually not so much dynamic range to start with, high clouds spoiled a good part of the subs. I'll have another look at the data.

Thanks for the comment, much appreciated.

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  • 11 months later...

Good luck with it. Unmodified Pentax cameras are a bit more sensitive at longer wavelength than Canons, so it may work. Just make sure you take many exposures, because these cameras are also noisier than Canons. This image was the result of multiple imaging nights (3 I believe). Only the 30 best subframes were used. For some reason that I still don't understand, some subs had a lot more noise than others after calibration. I have now retired this camera.

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So you are retiring your DSLR. I just bought another one, a Canon 60D (ca 300 Euro used on ebay in great condition) for my Samyang 135 to sit side by side with the 60Da on one of the scopes. Seems impossible to get hold of a used 60Da so at least with a 60D I will not be confused fiddling with the settings. Yes, I know, and the plan is also to start using my ATIK more.

In any case, I had a go at your image to see what the standard PS tricks could do. So, some High Pass filtering, a bit of local contrast enhancement, selective star shrink and a tweak of the curves and red tone. Finally some NR and gaussian blur to fight the red-green noise. I hope you do not mind and I am not sure it is better, but it is different.


Wimvb CygnusWall_fin2 GN2.png

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