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On 9/22/2016 at 20:58, RikM said:

You only want a low wattage heater. Heat plumes from hot tents disrupting the seeing will make you quite unpopular :eek: 

Good point although as i expect to be one of the last to bed it wont be switched on until then. My radiator will be kept in the confined on the bedroom section, should keep all the heat in nicely.

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I must remember to bring my fan heater and have a nice collection of them. This is because on a number of occasions I have arrived at a star party and realised I have left the heater at home and have had to go to the nearest town (Usually Hereford, Brecon or Sheringham) to buy yet another.

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Visited Lucksall this morning at the request of Grant to finalise using the cafe for talks and the suitability of the TV for laptop connection. Everything okay and the site looks fantastic as usual. The cafe really has a great menu so I sure you won't go hungry. Lots of beer/cider just in case you fancy a drink :happy11:

The staff are looking forward to seeing us next week.

Let us hope for dry and clear weather.


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2 hours ago, rockystar said:

does anyone know if Lucksall sell camping gas? My bottle is a bit low,  but don't think I'll use much, so don't want the expense now, if I don't need to, but this is easier if there is an onsite option should I need it.

Picture of their shop, looks like it ?



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Unfortunately I am now unable to get to Lucksall on Friday so will be joining you all on Saturday afternoon.

I have a ticket for Curry Night on Friday which is now available on a "free to a good home" basis.

First come, first served :wink:


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1 hour ago, Jonk said:

I also have a spare curry, but I put it up for sale haha! If anyone wants it free, let me know. Have a spare hog roast too.

Now theres a first.... ticket touts at a star party...lol. :D

Actually, I might have the hog roast if my little boy thinks he's up to eating one.

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9 hours ago, Uranium235 said:

Now theres a first.... ticket touts at a star party...lol. :D

Actually, I might have the hog roast if my little boy thinks he's up to eating one.

Just trying to recoup losses!

Hog roast is yours, curry still available.

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Ok having checked the saturday weather it is looking pretty grim by forcast. So I am sorry to say going to cry off. Much as i would love to meet you guys but what with friday already gone, I cannot see me driving all the way down there to sit under clouds.

On the plus side for you that are still going, there is now a saturday hog roast going free in addition to the friday curry, first come anybody just shout up and its yours.

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27 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

Ok having checked the saturday weather it is looking pretty grim by forcast.

Ignore it, I had 3 different sources the other night say 100% visibility, 0% cloud all night.

Guess what? 100% cloud all night!

You can always enjoy some solar viewing / imaging during the day with like minded folks?

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Worrying myself sleepless over this.....dur....

Not just my first SGL but my first real camping trip, not counting a CCF bivvy in the Brecon Beacons, too many decades ago.

I *think* I've got everything but I know I will have forgotten something vital, and no matter what I do I'll be frozen.

Dreamt last night that I'd arrived having leaft all the important stuff at home, 3 hours away:confused:

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I've just been in garage sorting stuff out, checking and double checking that I have everything - not been camping for about 7 years!

Hopefully i'll remember everything, but there's always something left behind. just hope it isn't important...



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