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Losing your astro mojo in this weather?


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... no I'm not yet.  But gee whiz, cloudy, grey and wet.  Endlessly.  Dear me....    I've not been logging on to SGL that much either because reading all this stuff about astronomy (that I'd LOVE TO DO AND NOT JUST TALK ABOUT depresses me!) and I keep going rusty on setting up my astro kit it is so long between uses.  I mean, imagine your hobby was running or cycling (well they are actually but you get my meaning)....  You wouldn't be much of a runner would you if you only went every six weeks.  Or a cyclist if you went out every two months - your climbing, sprinting and endurance skills would be shot.  Same with us with astro in this weather!!!! :(

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I have been putting together a few observing lists and updating others I have - need to update Andromeda diagram. Simply helps to make it a little easier for when I get the chance to head out. I can spend a couple of nights (2 or 3 months apart no doubt) observing a few, hopefully prominent and so easy, Globular Clusters.

Have a few lists of assorted items, double stars, open clusters, planetary nebula not sure what else. Makes life a bit easier for me, also means that at any public event I have something to fall back on as a selection of objects.


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I'm really frustrated I've updated my astro arsenal with a Pulsar dome and an Avalon Linear Mount. I have yet to gather any subs with this setup. The only consolation it's the light nights during the "summer" months.


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I pulled my GOTO mount out a week ago to track the Sun (which never happened cos it clouded over) and was very depressed to note that when setting up the handset it told me I hadn't used it for nearly five weeks :sad:

It's very frustrating.

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Last night I opened a window and pointed a small frac at Saturn through a small gap in the clouds. Hardly an observing session, but hey, it's more than I ever got done before I started in this business... and now I'm seeing the rings of Saturn from my upstairs bathroom! So I can't help but find my glass at least half full...


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12 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Go south...


Olly - I'm a Scotsman living in middle Englandshire - I thought I had already "gone south"? :rolleyes2:


3 minutes ago, estwing said:

Last session,7/4/16..bothered?,no plenty sessions approaching and a trip to Skye this Autumn....I can wait.

Me too last week in August and first week in September - looking forward to skies that are not orange :grin:


1 minute ago, iPeace said:

now I'm seeing the rings of Saturn from my upstairs bathroom!

So many jokes, too many rules :icon_compress:

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astronomy is much morethan looking down a scope or taking images, but it is nice to beable to get more skytime, this weathers going to get better and the nights get darker at some point ,i mean it carnt get any worst can it, so the only way is up" was there a song call that ? if there isnt there should be". charl.

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It has been really tough lately. Last week I had half a chance at some imaging time on a Saturday night so I went for it. It took me 2 hours to drift align in between rolling cloud banks and the rest of what passes as darkness at this latitude and time of year  to get 6 x 5 min subs on M27. A modest image but it felt like I got one over the UK weather:headbang:


NewLRGBCompositever2 copy.jpg

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5 minutes ago, tomato said:

It has been really tough lately. Last week I had half a chance at some imaging time on a Saturday night so I went for it. It took me 2 hours to drift align in between rolling cloud banks and the rest of what passes as darkness at this latitude and time of year  to get 6 x 5 min subs on M27. A modest image but it felt like I got one over the UK weather:headbang:


NewLRGBCompositever2 copy.jpg

That is a heartwarming image. You might have just saved the day :wink:


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7 minutes ago, tomato said:

It has been really tough lately. Last week I had half a chance at some imaging time on a Saturday night so I went for it. It took me 2 hours to drift align in between rolling cloud banks and the rest of what passes as darkness at this latitude and time of year  to get 6 x 5 min subs on M27. A modest image but it felt like I got one over the UK weather:headbang:

I can recommend a PoleMaster or use the polar alignment functionality in SharpCap (PhotoPolarAlign)...especially if you set up each and every time...it will save you a lot of hassle (unless the cloud is covering Polaris!)


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I know what you mean. Around the Oldham area it looks like we've had nothing but endless clouds. On the few nice sunny days we've had I've setup my scope in the back garden and then watched the clouds roll across the sky like a blanket before nightfall. A few nights ago I setup my ST80 on a tripod for a quick grab and go session and saw 2 stars for a few minutes before the clouds obscured them around midnight.

Here's hoping that soon we'll see the end of the "wetstream" and finally start having some clear nights :hello2:

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I used to get fed up with all this but im cool about it, the night sky is not going any where, i have even bought another scope, i must be confident things are going to pick up

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Hey guys, keep the spirit up! Re alignment i only say "Astrotortilla Align".  Even a noob like me gets his PA better than 30 minutes in 30 minutes... and thats with Polaris completely blocked!

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Thanks for the suggestion, I have been looking at the Polemaster, but as just posted I am reserving funds for my trip to dark and (hopefully) clear skies.

Also, call me weird, but I actually enjoy drift aligning with PHD! Sometimes I think I spend too much time  trying to get super accurate but I love it when the mount will go for a minute or more without making a correction, something to do with being in tune with nature?!!

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29 minutes ago, tomato said:

It has been really tough lately. Last week I had half a chance at some imaging time on a Saturday night so I went for it. It took me 2 hours to drift align in between rolling cloud banks and the rest of what passes as darkness at this latitude and time of year  to get 6 x 5 min subs on M27. A modest image but it felt like I got one over the UK weather:headbang:


NewLRGBCompositever2 copy.jpg

The boy done good!!!!


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Quite amazing that someone in this country has actually found enough clear sky to get a more than adequate image :)  I thought I saw the Milky Way on my all sky cam a little while ago but it was only faint - far poorer than a proper clear night gives in this low light pollution area.

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Most years I will have a month or so when the scope doesn't get used. I will read astro mags or watch astro programmes but mainly do other things. When I get back to the scope (especially at a dark site) I am more fired up than ever. 

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Hey, Clear Outside gives this Saturday night another half chance at clear skies. Of course our closest celestial companion will be at 90%  but that's another challenge.... (OSC camera only)

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25 minutes ago, tomato said:

Hey, Clear Outside gives this Saturday night another half chance at clear skies. Of course our closest celestial companion will be at 90%  but that's another challenge.... (OSC camera only)

Ot you could just take the opportunity to do a bit of Lunar :wink:


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Guys come to Greece! What bad weather? Lol! 35 Celsius degrees, no clouds. MY problem is LP and photochemical pollution though. We can go to some nice mountains around Athens and camp though :p

Oraganise the next SGL star party to Greece. It will be 4 weeks not just one! Come guys!

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