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Greetings from the back of the beyond


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Hi SGLers, 

I am Daniel, just wanted to stop by and say how genuinely impressive the people are on this forum. Spot on comments, long and thoughtful answers, no bulling or trolling (or maybe I just missed that part :)

I have just moved to a rather remote location in Northern Chiang Mai, Thailand, rural area away from the light polution, and it promises lots of dark sky as soon as the rain season ends. As most of the newbies here, I am fascinated by the wonders of the Universe. Seems like it's time to take a plunge into this hobby. 

Looking forward to getting to know you guys. Let me apologize in advance for any clumsy English (not a natvie, but used to work in Hertfordshire for a short while) and requests for advice. I have spent a week of so reading the pinned and random posts, along with countless hours studing other websites, reviews, 101s, etc, but it's still kind of Greek to me. 

Thanks for having this wonderful place for all of us, seekers of the unknown.

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Hello Daniel! Welcome to SGL!

You will have some amazing looks at the skies, hope one day you can share with us some pics or videos, I love watching fellow astronomers work, makes me feel good to see people's great efforts to try to show the rest of us what really is out there and how it looks. 

Clear skies!

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