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Hello, im new to this, just after as much advice as possible, going to buy my first scope in next week or so, ive read loads of reviews etc. I think i am going to go for skywattcher skymax 127 eq3 pro goto synscan. I initially want to observe moon and planets and whatever else i can. I live in dark sky area, i like the less maintenance and collimation idea of a maksutov and portability. I was also looking at explorer 150p as this is i am lead to believe a good all rounder. I think im 85 per cent on skymax! I want the goto as i have no knowledge of the night sky and think this will immensely help me. I was looking at az set up but i think the eq3 pro will future proof me a little more. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.

i have loads of other questions!

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Hi alr, and welcome to the forum, you have come to the right place to ask questions, but address any questions in the correct area, such as the beginners forum 'Getting Started'.  Your choice of the 127 Mak seems a good one, it is a convenient and transportable size.  This particular type of telescope excels on solar system objects.  The EQ mount will also help with tracking etc, and the scope itself will be mostly maintanance free.  The first thing you should buy with it is a dew shield as these scopes have a tendancy to dew up quickly.  Found here: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dew-prevention/astrozap-flexi-heat-dew-shields.html

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Hi alr and welcome from another newbie!

Sometimes I wish I'd got a goto scope.  I do get immensely frustrated when I can't find something and am not sure whether it's because the object's too faint or I'm looking in the wrong place. But then again it makes it all the more rewarding when I do finally locate things and also I'm learning to navigate the night sky at the same time.

Anways, enjoy the new hobby and clear skies!


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Hi Air and welcome to SGL, the 127 is a very popular scope with the included goto. The 150 has the extra light gathering ability, but you would need to learn your way about the night sky, to be able to use it. In my book this not a bad thing, many pursue this fascinating route with binoculars and learn the Constellations and the art of star hopping, before considering the purchase of a telescope. This is usually a basic Dob in the 150 range which, at some time in the future, can be transferred onto a tracking equatorial mount. then eventually an upgrading of the scope to the ever popular 200. Another slant on scope choosing for you to dwell on, enjoy :)

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